
Wednesday 10 March 2021

Silverbeet Will Save The Day

 If there is one vegetable you'd like to start growing,  then Silverbeet ( chard ) might be the vegetable for you.  There are so many reasons to grow silverbeet even if you think you might not like eating it.

*  Silverbeet is a cool climate plant but can be grown in warmer climates providing it gets extra water and shelter during heatwaves.  In most climates it can be grown all year round.

*  Leaves can be picked within 7 weeks of seedlings being planted.

*  The same plant can have leaves harvested year in,  year out.  My good friend Maureen from The Cheapskates Club has had the same plant growing for about 7 years.

*  It's a wonderful space saving plant that can also be grown in a pot.

*  When broccoli is too dear to buy in the shops,  silverbeet makes a wonderful green vegetable substitute saving you lots of money on your grocery budget.

*  Only 2 plants are needed to feed a family of four.

*  Silverbeet makes a great ' filler ' to stretch meals further.  Shred the leaves and add them to spag bol sauce,  lasagne,  chop suey and stir fries.  

*  When you only have sad veggies in your fridge crisper, don't go to the shops.  Just pick a few silverbeet leaves,  coarsely chop and toss in a little bit of water in a saucepan.

*  Silverbeet is a good source of vitamin A,  B6,  C and K as well as riboflavin and folate.

Picked leaves

The silverbeet plant

Silverbeet added to a tuna pasta dish

Do you grow Silverbeet ( chard ) ?

How do you use the Silverbeet leaves ?


  1. Yes, I agree and chard has always been my ‘must have’ in the garden. It is so mild and delicious! In addition to your menu suggestions I frequently add it to pizza, and quiches, as well as serving it by itself, just steamed with olive oil and a bit of garlic...YUM!

  2. Swiss Chard (Silverbeet) is one of our favorite, most versatile veg! We even dehydrate it and crush it into a green powder that can be added to smoothies or to sauces. Such a hardy plant to grow!
    Gardenpat in Ohio

  3. You are so right, Wendy! We call this swiss chard. I have tons of it, and eat it almost every day. It is so prolific. I add it to everything, and even freeze it for future meals. It is delicious cold with seasoned rice vinegar, or hot with butter and salt, or mixed in anything, like you demonstrated.

  4. Hi Wendy, I've been following your blog for few months now. Your budgeting/money saving tips are very practical & useful.I started bulk cooking & freezing meals for my family.When I did chicken curry, after I defrost it, I got a bad smell from it. I did add coconut milk when cooking.Just wondering whether yo can help me to understand what did I do wrong for it to happen?


    1. I haven't added coconut milk to a chicken curry before. I do freeze Massaman beef curry which has coconut milk / cream in it with no problems defrosting. Then again, I don't smell it.

      Did you put it in the fridge or freezer as soon as it cooled down or was it accidentally left out for a few hours ?

    2. Yes Wendy. I left it out few hours before I put it in the freezer.May be that's the reason.Thanks for replying- Sanda

  5. Not only do we eat it, my birds love it also! I make a quiche with it.


  6. I used to grow it all the time and it wintered over for me also. (Which is rare here in Nebraska USA. We get harsh winters.) I plan to start growing it again this year in a sheltered spot to see if it will do the same now.

  7. I think we call it Swiss chard. And I do grow it. I grow several varieties. Peppermint, rainbow and the regular one. I don't see a difference in the taste. But it's pretty. We just steam the leaves.


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