
Saturday 25 September 2021

I'll Be Back Next Week.

 Due to the continuing lockdown and Darren and I not working,  I will not be posting my frugal task list this week.

To be honest,  we haven't been motivated to do much at all.  Both of us are battling to get Covid disaster payments through Centrelink who have serious glitches in their system.

Yes,  I've done a few frugal things this week but there's not much to speak of.

Hopefully next week I'll have a super long list to post and lots of positive things to talk about.

See you shortly.  xoxo


  1. Dear Wendy ,
    Thinking of you and Darren and hoping you can get the payments you deserve.
    I haven't done a lot either ,but I am sure you will do more next week and everyone deserves a rest from time to time.take care of yourselves.
    Love Barb W.

  2. Take care Wendy and Darren. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.


  3. Hello and blessings from Pecos, New Mexico, USA. It's understandable to get into a funk with all that everyone is going through. Be kind to yourselves and stay safe.

  4. Thinking of you all in Victoria. Centrelink want everyone to use myGov but it's not always the answer. Not everyone fits into the options offered on myGov. People are struggling and need help.
    Thank you for sharing and I hope everyone is out of lockdown very soon.
    Take care. Rachel:)

    1. Unfortunately Centrelink give us different info every time we ring.

  5. Hi Wendy, hang in there. Thinking of you both, Tracy x

  6. Sending all best wishes to you and your family. Stay strong 🙏

  7. Tough times! I hope Centrelink comes through for you. Take care, and keep as positive as you can.

  8. Wendy, my heart goes out to you! Such a terrible time when limited money is coming in over a prolonged period of time and your freedom Is reduced. Thank you for the inspiration you provide so regularly, I never write a thank you normally just sit on the side lines but you are such an amazing and inspirational person. Your blog, and recipes has encouraged me so much! Have a break, relax, pat yourseves on the back. In a few days you will get back to the resilient you, and carry on because that is what you do. When this passes you will look back in amazement at how you survived and gre! Take care, look forward to hearing about your continuing journey!

  9. Please take care Wendy, and Darren,I get so much inspiration from your blogs 🙏💟

  10. Yes Centrelink are not making it easy to navigate and get even the $200 of disaster payments for some. Thankfully your past frugality and stocked pantry will be helpful. Good luck and God willing things will improve soon. Stay safe and big Hugs

  11. I hope things become easier soon, Wendy and Darren. I'm sure your frugal ways are helping in such difficult circumstances.


  12. I am so very sorry Wendy. I have seen first hand how difficult it is to deal with government departments such as Human Services.

    Go bless you and keep you safe in his love.

  13. Sending you good thoughts, & fingers crossed you are able to get your payment set up.

  14. Greetings from Alberta Canada!Praying for you and your hubby ! You WILL get through this because our God is faithful ! It's hard to go through tough times over and over but somehow we do with the help and encouragement of others.I'm a 66 yr. old grandmother and my hubby is 74 and we've been through 3 major recessions, had to sell our acreage,lost our savings more than once and somehow made it through by God's grace and you will too.We are completely debt free and live a modest but good life.I love reading your blog and also The bluebirds are nesting on the farm,you're both so encouraging and informative,even at my age I'm still learning things,thank you.

    1. Thankyou for your encouraging words. We can all learn for each other.

  15. You are such an inspiration for many Wendy, especially in these tough times. Take care and look after yourself

  16. Wendy, I am so sorry you have to fight for what you are due!
    My son and daughter-in-law were affected by lockdown from work and it was hard for them, but they received their assistance, so the emotional stress was the worst of it.
    My husband and I were affected by the stress, but as essential workers, there was no real financial hardship or time off work.
    I know prices are skyrocketing here and that is stressful even for those with their regular income.
    I also know that God has equipped you mightily for this time. Take a rest and come back fighting!
    Prayers for you and yours. Much love from California. Patti

  17. Dear Wendy, Thinking of you and Darren and praying for you that the situation will soon sort out for you. You are a tower of strength and inspiration to us all. Take care. Love, Kaye xo

  18. I've been praying for all of you down in Australia. I cannot imagine the stress of it all.
    No pressure for you to post at all. But if you want to post something; (and if it's not an intrusion), I'd love to see your home. I like seeing how other's decorate and the differences between other countries and the US.
    May God bless you and keep you.

  19. I'd say the ability to focus and prioritise are major frugal assets. Take your time to get through this stressful period, and I hope to read from you again soon.

  20. I read another persons comments and thought she/he had a great line…hello and blessings from Phoenix Arizona! I trust that things will be going smoothly soon! Your blog and the way you are a such a positive person has helped me keep moving forward in learning and practicing frugality, Please know you have a large group of readers sending loving thoughts your way!


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