
Saturday 4 September 2021

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 4th September 2021

It's been a mixed bag here in Melbourne.  We've had a few warm days of 26 degrees which was wonderful and great gardening weather.  We've also had cold days and lots of rain which has been  good for the garden. 

Our lockdowns have been extended until late September with a possibility of October.  I don't mind the lockdowns but I'd really like to get my hair colored.  I know,  first world problems.  It's my only luxury  Darren is getting desperate for warm weather clothes.  He's lost a lot of weight this year and pretty much nothing fits.  Our grandson Luka is growing out of his clothes and Megan is having to buy everything online instead of shopping at the op shops first.

At least the lockdowns are giving us extra time to grow more food,  makeover our front yard and do small maintenance jobs around our home.

Here's what we've been up to this week -

*  Went to the supermarket to buy mushrooms for a slow cooker meal.  The ticket said $3 for 500g.  I was charged $6 at the checkout.  Thankfully I noticed the mistake and went to the service desk to have the difference refunded.  They refunded the whole amount.  Such a blessing.

*  Megan found heavily reduced beef steaks in the supermarket.  They were just under $4 each for a large steak with a saving of $18.  She dropped one of on our front door step.  From that one steak I made two casseroles that gave us 13 serves in total.  I made Massaman Beef and Beef Stroganoff.  I cooked them in my slow cookers and all leftovers were frozen.  Cook once,  eat three times is fantastic.

*  Planted the Dutch Cream potatoes I bought last week.

*  I had a catering order for spag bol sauce for a cleaning client.

*  Dried the washing on the line and clothes horses.  

*  I was able to work one day this week.  One of my clients organised a work permit for me ( our current lockdown requirement ).  Their home was getting a bit dirty and they had gone to their farm for the weekend so I was able to clean with no one in the house.

*  Picked the last of the lemons off the tree.

*  Fed kale and broccoli leaves to the chickens.

*  Turned standby lights off when appliance were not in use.  I also went around the house each night turning the landline phone chargers off and the doorbell.

*  Made hamburger patties in bulk to freeze.  We had hamburgers for dinner one night to satisfy a slight takeaway craving.  We are only human.

*  Saved water as per usual.

*  Lockdown saved us money by eating at home for our wedding anniversary on Thursday.  I cooked lamb shanks in the slow cooker with a tomato and veggie  sauce / gravy.  They were served over a bed of potato mash.  The dinner cost $11 plus our bottle of Appletiser ( sparkling apple juice ).

Casseroles in the slow cooker

Lamb shank anniversary dinner

Hamburgers at home

How do you satisfy takeaway cravings without spending extra money ?

How did you save money this week ?


  1. I am trying to do a version of Shelftember. Wish me well. Sadly my frugal fail involved steak. I burnt a curry in the pressure cooker. Must do better this week.

    Stay safe and well.

  2. It is so helpful Megan also watched out for great deals! Wendy I do my own hair and once you've done it once it is so easy. And a time saver. You have beautiful hair by the way! xxx

  3. That was wonderful you got the mushrooms for free! I love the idea of making one steak into thirteen serves! You are an inspiration to so many. Thank you Wendy!

  4. What a great deal on the mushrooms!

  5. Our favorite restaurant meals are Mexican, Burgers or Steakhouse. I can and do make these often at home. Our local Mexican restaurant will probably stay open but the city restaurants are closing early and some will probably going to take -out only. We have a full pantry and freezers. We'll just have date night at home.

  6. Your lamb shanks look lovely,,i do my own hair it's easy sometimes John helps me with it too,l o rd of different colours & brands too choose from

  7. Happy Anniversary Wendy and Darren.
    To satisfy my take away craving I get my husband to cook. Craving take away usually means I am too tired to cook.

  8. Sounds like a great week! For restaurant meals, I love Greek, Thai or Mexican food. Yum.


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