
Wednesday 24 November 2021

How To Beat Rising Food Prices - Part 2

 I've often written about ways to save on your food budget.  There's nothing new about the tips below except the urgent need for people to offset rising prices around the world.  Personally my food budget hasn't gone up,  but what I consider a need has now changed slightly.  My grocery list consists of basic ingredients to stretch our dollars further. 

Here are 7 more tips that will save you money on your food bill -

*  Buy seasonal.  Citrus fruit is seasonal in Winter and stone fruit,  melons and berries are seasonal in Summer.  If you buy outside of these times then you'll pay premium prices.  Also the nutritional content of fruit and veg is at it's highest when freshly picked ( not stored for months on end ).

*  Limit the junk food you buy.  If you are struggling with rising costs then junk food ( chips,  lollies,  chocolate,  soft drink etc ) should not form the basis for your daily intake of calories.  Limit your junk food to a treat.

*  Stock up on specials.  If an item is 40 - 50% off then buy as many as your budget can afford.  This will eliminate the need to pay full price.

*  Find a market to buy fruit and vegetables.  Although this can be a great money saving option,  you need to know your prices.  Bigger markets generally have cheaper prices than farmer's markets from my experience.

*  Barter / swap with your friends,  family or neighbours.  If you know someone who has fruit tress,  ask for their excess fruit in exchange for something they can use like a jar of jam,  your own garden produce,  a craft or service ( car wash,  item repair etc ).

*  Avoid the bakery,  deli,  frozen meal section and other non essential food sections.  The temptation is great,  the food looks amazing but it is highly priced and NOT value for money.

*  Grow something yourself - ANYTHING  !!!  Growing just one or two types of vegetables / fruits  will save so much money on your food budget.  No room in your backyard ?  Then grow in a pot.  No money for seeds ?  Then save the seeds from food you eat ? 

Buying clearance meat

                             Growing our own when we can

Do you have any tricks for saving money on food ?


  1. Excellent tips, thank you for sharing.

  2. Many local supermarkets have a certain sections where they place reduced items and I check them all the time. Sometimes I win but not very often.

    I agree that growing food can help. I grow herbs as I could spend a lot on those.

    I only buy as much fruit and veg as I need for a few days as it can go off quite quickly in the summer weather.

    Look at what food you have in the home before shopping. Make a plan around that and then when shopping keep an eye out for specials.

  3. Great advice Wendy. I'm going to grow red capsicum. It's $12.90kg here in Qld. Crazy!!

  4. Brilliant no nonsense post again, thank you Wendy!

  5. This isn't much of a trick, but when you get tired of eating leftovers, freeze the rest. A month from now, they're going to be new again, and all you need to do is heat them up.

    Since this is Thanksgiving week in the USA, here is how to deal with all of the turkey leftovers: Debone the cooked meat (easier if done while still warm). I used to slice the meat, but I've discovered it freezes better when cut into cubes or torn into small chunks. Freeze in recipe-size portions. If in doubt, freeze 2 cups per package. (We are a family of 2-3 and I freeze 1-1/2 cups per package). Wrap tightly to exclude air and freeze. It will last at least 6 months or more in the freezer. I do this with ham, too.

    Also, to expand on your advice to stock up on specials, there are going to be some readers (not regulars, of course...LOL) who assume they have to keep eating that food until it's gone. No, that's not the idea. Use this food to start a stockpile/pantry so that the next time you need it, you don't need to buy it. It will take awhile, but it will always be helpful, and eventually you will always be eating food bought at the lowest possible price. I just bought a case of canned pineapple for .98 can that normally sells for $1.50-$1.75 each. It should last a year.

    Also, if you don't have a stand-alone freezer, you will be surprised by how much food you can store in your fridge's freezer, if you work at it.

  6. Whenever I go shopping I aim to spend less than €3/kg on fruit/veg and less than €11/kg on meat and cheese. I aim to eat fruit for no more than €0,50/portion, which makes carrots and pineapples the cheapest at the moment; I'm in Belgium! Apple-and-pear country! The cheap apples (Jonagold/jonagored/golden delicious) are absolutely tasteless, even the newest harvest, so there is no point in buying them.

  7. When I buy beetroot, I only buy bunches with beautiful stems and leaves because the stems and leaves are all usable and delicious for stirfrys, soups and stews. I plant whole cheap, old sweet potatoes in a pot and use the green leaves that just keep coming. They are good raw or cooked. I usually top a meal with them because they are heart shaped and delicious and very nutritious. Don't be worried by the milky sap, they are just the sugars flowing out of the phloem vessels. ( only sweet potatoes, regular potato leaves are a toxin)
    I also grow parsley and garlic( I plant old bulbs) and use the green parts to flavour everything. A lot of flavour for no cost.


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