
Saturday 29 January 2022

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 29th January 2022

 Welcome back to a new year of thrifty living.  It's been about 5 weeks since I last posted but both Darren and I have kept very busy.  We had a lovely Christmas Day at Megan's home.  We opened presents with Jessica,  Megan and the grandbabies - Luka and Bryson.  Then the extended family came over for lunch and more present opening.  Luka was beside himself with all the presents that arrived under the Christmas tree.  In his words " more presents  ".

A few days later Darren and I sailed over to Tasmania for a week to help Darren's Dad celebrate his 80th birthday and see in the new year.  We enjoyed lots of good food,  stayed in a heritage building converted into a Bed and Breakfast and did a few day trips.

While we were in Tasmania a family member sent Darren information regarding a new job opportunity.  Darren applied for it,  organised references and had a phone interview just two days before returning home.   I'm pleased to say that Darren got the job and he's really enjoying it.  He's working from home which is a lovely change and is saving on our petrol costs.  Although this job is a temporary one,  there could be more opportunities within this company.  We are praying that this is the case but know that God will provide no matter what.

Here's how we've saved money this year -

*  Made 15 jars of apricot jam using apricots from our tree.

*  When we were in Tasmania,  we went to a local Kmart and they had heaps of Christmas decorations on clearance.  Darren picked up big containers of baubles for 50 cents a container.  I found beautiful Christmas tea towels,  a table runner,  Christmas wall art and a few other things.  Thankfully we took our car on the boat to Tasmania so we could load up on all the bargains.  We've done this a few years running as it seems Kmart there overstocks or the locals just don't buy.

*  We took water bottles wherever we went in Tasmania.  We also took muesli bars and Darren's step mum gave us lots of baking for our day trips.

*  We used our saved Flybuys dollars to buy meat and salad items for one dinner and a few lunches.

*  I made four bottles of air freshener using cooled boiled water and essential oils or fragrance oils.

*  Made 2 x 2litres of double strength Miracle Spray.  I will dilute it down when I fill up the spray bottles.

*  I made up two bottles of surface spray using cooled boiled water and dish washing liquid.  One bottle is for our home use and the other I use at my cleaning jobs.

*  Added water to the bottom of the shower gel bottle and poured it into the foaming hand wash pump.  Not a scrap was wasted.

*  Picked rosemary from our garden and dried it in paper bags that I hung up.

*  Adjusted two dresses that didn't fit well.  One was slightly too big and the other was too long.  The dress that was too long was used as a template for the dress that didn't fit well.  

*  I made cushion covers out of European pillow cases.  Our loungeroom couch really needed new cushions but I couldn't find ones I liked.  I bought cushion inserts from Big W and the pillow cases from Spotlight ( on sale ).

*  Made a half batch of yoghurt.  With just the two of us at home,  we find the one kilo batch is too much to eat in a week.

*  Picked raspberries,  apricots  beans,  tomatoes and strawberries from our garden.

*  Made a triple batch of laundry powder.  Although I used homemade laundry liquid for the washing,  I do like the powder for soaking soiled items.

*  I knitted many dish cloths and face washers while we were on holidays.

*  I made 24 Christmas cards on the boat over to Tasmania.  I like to keep myself busy when travelling and it keeps my mind off the rocking  of the boat.

*  Bought lots of knitting cotton on clearance at Spotlight in one of the Tasmanian stores.

*  Recycled Christmas cards into gift tags or made them into new cards.

The first bowl of apricots from our tree

Home grown beans

The tomatoes are finally ripening

Pizza subs on Turkish bread for dinner

How have you saved money over Christmas and the school holidays ?



  1. That is great news about Darrens job! It sounds like you had a very nice start to the year Wendy! xxx

  2. Wonderful news about Darren's job Wendy. So good to see you back for 2022.

    Tania xxx

  3. Delighted to see your post Wendy and such a positive one it is.
    Delighted the new year has started so well for you and your family.
    God bless

  4. Congrats on the new job! That pizza bread looks delicious.

  5. I hope the company that Darren is working for has more jobs ahead for him also!

  6. The fresh produce from your garden looks healthy and delicious, Wendy. Wonderful to read about Darren's new job too. We have had a quiet start to the new year; we have stayed close to home, enjoyed simple things and looked to save $ whenever possible. Here's my frugal list:
    * bought a few of my son's uniform pieces second hand
    * gratefully received several items and plants through our local Buy Nothing group
    * made weekly meal plans and aimed for meat free meals twice a week (e.g. quiche, nachos)
    * made double batches of several meals to add to freezer e.g. lasagne
    * baked regularly so we have snacks for school ready for lunchboxes in freezer
    * cleaned out and reorganised my pantry
    * checked catalogues and got few items for pantry on special
    * tipped saved shower warm up water into wash machine
    * dried washing on wet days on racks on verandah or inside if too wet
    * topped up fuel at cheapest price I could find
    * mended a favourite white cotton top
    * saved xmas cards to make tags for next year's gifts

    Lovely to read your first frugal list of the year, Wendy. You always inspire me to think about all the ways I can save $ too. Have a lovely week. Meg🙂

  7. A nice holiday and a job for the new year...starting the year off well.

  8. Great to see you back Wendy, I’m just planning my frugal february so looking forward to more inspiration from you. Congratulations to Darren on the new job. I have a feeling 2022 is going to be a good year.

  9. Congratulations Darren on your new job. Great start to the year.
    Your Tassie holiday sounds beautiful. We are going in April and looking at accomodation atm.
    Could you please tell me the name of the one you stayed at Wendy?
    24 cards made on your trip, wow that was a big effort. Could you share some pics please?
    All your fruit and vege looks so fresh. You grow so much food in your suburban garden, I am amazed.
    Glad to see you back posting, I missed your blog 💁‍♀️ Lorraine W

  10. So pleased Darren was able to get some work and hopefully more to come.
    My list after Christmas on the 29th after the Drs i went to coles Christmas Cards were marked down to 4 cents, full size puddings 13 cents, Jewelled Christmas cakes 13 cents brandy baskets 6 cents, packets of m and ms were 5 cents i got 12 packets some for St Patrick Days baking and a large jar of red ones will be my partners Valentine gift. Christmas Cadbury baubles were 5 cents a pack Easter is covered i doubt the kids will realise the chocolates are round not egg shape and all for 45 cents. Chocolate self saucing puddings single serve were 3 cents. I vist a relation in a nursing home so instead of buying 2 bags of lollies each fortnight i bought 2 one kilo bag of Christmas lollies for 12 cents i will take in enough to fil her lolly jar each vist. Boxed lollies were 5 cents so i got clinkers and jubes total 600 grams that will make bags when we take some relations to the pictures wii save us a fortune. Christmas wrapping paper were 12 cents and sticky tape was 12 cents. So i'm right for a few years 2 rolls of 12 meter paper and tape total 48 cents. I also got small jewel Christmas cakes, gift tags for 5 cents. I couldnt believe it!

    My girlfriend passed over all the unwanted food from her Christmas hampers she had received so plenty of tea bags and biscuits and coffee satchets.

    Received a free toilet cleaner.

    My chemist gave me a free calendar and a set of freecreams and a facial foundation.

    Watered down the shampoo and conditioner bottles and dish washing liquid.

    Put out many large buckets when it poured rain during the week used the water in the washing machine, in the bath and watered my pot plants.

    With it being so hot i have been making drinks in empty 300 mill glass bottles and keeping them in the fridge, Using Tea or cordial and the juice from tinned fruit for flavorings so much cheaper.I make sure if i go out that i grab a frozen water from the freezer much cheaper than buying a drink.

    Every small bit helps and i really want to be in a position to buy a home this year.

    Hope everyone has had a safe and healthy January. Take care and during this heat please stay hydrated. Blessings to all Leanne.

  11. Wow lovely news about Darren’s job. Can I ask when making a double batch of miracle spray what is the amount of water you add when diluting?

  12. Glad you had a great Christmas with your family. Good News on the job front too :) Happy New year <3

  13. Congratulations on your husband's new job! I hope it turns into something permanent. Sounds like you had a lovely holiday/visit to Tasmania, and got some nice after-Christmas bargains as well.

  14. I'm both exhausted and impressed reading that list!

  15. Hi Wendy that is great news about Darrens new job,, I had been working solid through Christmas & New Years & now iam only doing respite showering shifts and my work load is less but still I enjoy what I do & have more hours in the day to get tg on top of things glad you both enjoyed your holiday

  16. Happy New Year and what a brilliant start to the new year.

    I smiled at your grandson's comment about Christmas. My little four year old granddaughter thought you had one Christmas in her life. She enjoyed her Christmas in 2020 and felt overwhelmed with the gift and family. She was wildly excited this year and enjoyed her little self to the max.

    I loved reading about your fruit and veg. My attempts at fruit trees have not worked well. My herbs keep withering in the heat and humidity. I have a tomato vine that has volunteered itself and is producing lots of tart fruits. However, I discovered that making a confit with them with oil, balsamic vinegar, Italian herb mix and pepper makes are huge improvement. I think I now have about three litres of them in the fridge.

    Other wise life plods on. We are eating more vegetarian meals and they are being accepted.

    Have a happy week.


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