
Thursday 9 November 2017

Filling A Christmas Stocking

Everyone in our family loves to open their Christmas stocking on Christmas morning.  It's been a tradition for our girls since they were early primary school age.  In recent years I thought I'd fill one for Darren and I and it was such a success we continued the tradition.  Darren didn't want to miss out on all the fun.

Filling a stocking doesn't have to cost a small fortune.  If you buy what retailers call a " stocking filler " then you could be spending thousands.  Really,  an ipad or aftershave hardly qualifies as a stocking filler unless you are the rich or famous.

Depending on our budget for the year,  our stocking goodies cost between $30 - $50 for each stocking.  If our budget is $30 then we use smaller stockings so they still look full.  We don't fill them with rubbish and try to put some useful things in as well as novelty.  I shop all year round to get some things on clearance and wait until the supermarkets have their toiletries on half price sales.  $2 shops and discount stores sell an array of goodies suitable for filling the stocking.

Here are some ideas for filling your Christmas stockings -

Something to wear

*  Socks - plain or character
*  Tshirt ( they are so cheap now )
*  Thongs footwear
*  Hat - cap,  beanie or sun visor
*  Scarves - Winter / Football / Spring type
*  Necklace
*  Men's neck tie
*  Hankies
*  Apron - kitchen or bbq
*  Bangles / bracelets

Something to eat

*  Lollies
*  Chocolate
*  Favourite breakfast cereal.  Maybe treat them to a sugary one
*  Nuts
*  Chips
*  Biscuits - sweet or savoury.  Store bought or homemade
*  Icecream topping
*  Marinades,  bbq type sauces
*  Chocolate share bag
*  Lolly stocking


*  Shower gel
*  Razors
*  Fancy soaps
*  Shower puffs / scrubby
*  Makeup
*  Makeup remover wipes
*  Bubble bath
*  Bath bombs
*  Tissues in little packets
*  Deodorant
*  Mirror - on stand or compact
*  Hair ties - pretty or in school colors
*  Nail files
*  Makeup brushes
*  Toiletry bags
*  Hair brushes or combs
*  Hair clips
*  Hair gel or hair products
*  Fancy shampoo / conditioner
*  Shower cap

Fun stuff

*  Glow sticks
*  Address books or diaries
*  Calendar
*  Dvds
*  Travel mugs
*  Torch - regular size or travel
*  Magazines
*  Ice cube trays - novelty
*  Water bottles
*  Candles
*  Stationery - post it notes,  sticky tape and scissors ( if they pinch yours )
*  Lego - small box
*  Purse / Wallet
*  Key chains
*  Coffee cup
*  Phone charger / cord
*  Ear phones / head phones
*  Board games - full sized or travel
*  Slinkies
*  Cookie cutters
*  Garden hand tools
*  Veggie seeds
*  Craft items - for young and old
*  Bubbles
*  Tennis balls
*  Golf balls
*  Deck of cards

What do you like to put in your Christmas stockings ?  

Have you found something that worked really well ?     


  1. Some great ideas there Wendy, thanks.

  2. Great blog post and good timing Wendy as we start to think about that exact topic in my house
    Regards Julie Pilbara WA

  3. That is so helpful. Big thanks to you Wendy.

  4. Great ideas, Wendy!

    When my girls moved away to the city for Uni and were sharing a unit, as part of their presents I'd do up a laundry basket of household goodies each Christmas- things they hated spending their money on.
    Bin liners
    Dish tabs
    dishwashing liquid
    shampoo/conditioner (their fave brands)
    body wash
    tooth brushes
    paper towel
    face/makeup wipes
    packets of pasta
    different spice mix packs for a curry
    jars of pasta sauce (good for a quick meal)

    It was always well received!

    1. Joolz, that's a great list. I'll keep that in mind when my girls move out.

  5. Yikes, Wendy — that’s a really expensive undertaking, from my perspective! I certainly agree that the retailers have a very different idea than I do of what a stocking stuffer should be, but this list still feels extravagant to me. My idea of stocking stuffers is confined to “mini” gifts, often little treats someone wouldn’t buy for themselves, usually costing under $1 per item, rarely totalling more than a few dollars per stocking. If the little gifts are to be wrapped, too, that can be a serious time commitment. Just call me Scrooge??

    1. Could you please put your name to the comment so I can respond personally ?

      I'm not sure what part of the world you live in. In Australia it's almost impossible to buy anything for under a dollar let alone fill a stocking for a few dollars.

      What mini gifts do you buy for under a dollar ?

      I don't wrap the presents in the stockings these days but if I did, it would be a wonderful labour of love.

    2. Hello, Wendy — Please forgive me if my earlier remark offended you. It certainly was not intended! I live in a semi-rural area in upstate NY in the US. The things that I would buy to put in a stocking are all on your list (small candies/chocolates, small packages of biscuits (“cookies” here), tiny soaps, small toys/games/cards, tissues, puzzle books, stickers, hair doodads - and so forth. And yes, most of those can be obtained here for a dollar or less. I suppose my response was more to the overall expense involved, than to any particular item. It sounds like these Christmas stockings are a very important part of your family’s traditions, and traditions are special wherever we live! Wishing you & yours a joyous holiday season...

    3. I wasn't offended by your comment. I just didn't know what to make of it. I didn't think you lived in Australia. Our cheapest shops are called $2 shops so as you can imagine, everything is $2 or more.

      I don't buy everything on the list but try to buy a mixture of things so that the family enjoys their stocking as well as saving them from buying some of the needed items. When my girls were little I'd buy hair ties, thongs ( flip flops ), shower gel and items like that. It saved me buying them throughout the year yet filled their stocking.

  6. Hi Wendy,
    Fantastic idea!!! I started this a couple of years ago after I saw you doing it on ACA and it's going down a treat, Thanks,


  7. We do a similar thing. I sometimes add some homemade faves - biscuits or fudge, usually. This year I've done a paperback, spatula for the baker in our family, small stuffed toy for my youngest, and pens for school in a little pencil case, that sort of thing. Not over the top, but it's all we do for the 3 adults here on Christmas morning in terms of gifts and it is much appreciated.

  8. Some wonderful ideas, Wendy!

    Opening my stocking was always my most favorite part of Christmas. My mom still give me one :)

    I've started making some small purchases here and there for this year. I do try and keep items to around a dollar (I'm in the US), but I really like the idea of a t-shirt. I'll have to see what I can find!


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