
Saturday 11 November 2017

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 11th November 2017

So many frugal tasks have become a way of life for us.  We don't think twice about recycling everything  we can.  We don't think twice about making our own.  It's not always about the dollars saved.  Often we can make items better than what we can buy at the shops.  Most often,  making our own is better for our health.  Here's what we got up to this week -

*  Sold three dozen eggs.

*  Refilled all the foaming hand wash pumps with diluted shower gel.

*  Bought a pair of jeans and a new cardigan from the Savers 50% off sale on Monday for a total of $8.  The cardi was worth $30 ( it still had the price tag on ).

*  Darren converted more Flybuys points into another $10 on our card.  We are saving the money to buy groceries on holidays.

*  Stuck to the two light rule as much as possible.  There were times when we had one light or no lights on ( in front of the tv ).

*  Sold lots of muffins and a jar of jam to a cleaning client

*  Lined the bathroom bins with recycled bread bags.

*  Saved the washing machine rinse water and the shower warm up water.  Some was poured back into the machine and the rest was put on the garden.

*  Picked lettuce from our garden for dinner one night.

*  Made a Santa sack for Jessica's boyfriend out of Christmas material I already had on hand.

*  Fed a silverbeet plant to the chickens.  It had started going to seed.

*  Put pumps back on my shampoo and conditioner. I've been buying shampoo without silicon and other nasties but I could only find it in small bottles that the pumps don't fit on.  Now this " healthier ' type of shampoo is available in other brands with bigger bottles that fit the pumps I have.  BONUS  !!

A grazing board Darren and I had for dinner on Tuesday

Bread bag bin liners

Home grown lettuce

Home grown eggs

Roses from the garden

Muffins to sell.

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Your eggs, lettuce, muffins and roses look great, Wendy. We've been eating lettuce from our garden too. I worked 4 out of 5 days relief teaching this week but around that managed some frugal things:
    * finished sewing a wrap skirt from material in my stash
    * finished sewing up a pretty project bag as birthday gift
    * made batch of biscuits and raspberry coconut slice for lunchboxes
    * all meals made here at home, last night just toasties and baked beans!
    * picking cucumbers from our garden
    * dried washing on racks on deck and under house on showery days
    During the week, I received a little salvia plant and some beautiful blue threads for stitching from a lovely friend. I will pot up some salvia cuttings from my garden for her this weekend. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Meg:)

    1. That's a good list Meg considering you worked so much this week.

  2. I made my first batch of homemade Greek yoghurt using powdered milk and a tablespoon of bought Greek yoghurt. It has worked perfectly.

    I’ve planted out pieces of succulents to boost my collection instead of buying new plants.

    I plan to make a batch of pickled beetroot to put up, I’m down to my last jar. I also have dried apricots, bought in bulk, to make jam.

    I love your grazing platter - that’s on the menu for next Friday night - so easy and healthy too!

    1. I'm glad your Greek yoghurt worked Joolz. It's saves a lot of money making your own and you know exactly what's in it.

      You could pot up some of he succulents as Christmas presents.

      The grazing plates were delicious and so yummy.

  3. We have had rain here every day for a week, at times like this I only wash what I need to to get by like uniforms etc, and I hang them inside to dry. Then I catch up on other washing when the sun comes out. I had washed some sheets just before the rainy week started and got them 3/4 dry on the line, they had to be finished off in the dryer, as I had no where to hang them inside. I try to avoid using the dryer if I can, not just for frugal reasons, but I don't like how the clothes come out of the drier, all shrunk and wrinkly, even if I get them out straight away!

    1. I've done the same as you with the washing. I try to dry it outside whether it's on the line or clothes horses. If it takes too long to dry it smells so I finish it in the dryer. I do hang jeans and jackets on coat hangers on the rail above the shower door.

  4. You have had a good week. Those grazing boards look delicious!

    1. They were delicious Debbie. We were talking about them for a few days afterwards.

  5. Hi Wendy, Just wanted to say that while I really enjoy all your posts, your weekly list of frugal tasks is my favourite. I look forward to it early each Saturday morning and read it with a cuppa and bickie before starting the day. It always motivates me to keep going on my frugal journey. Thank you for being your continued inspiration. Love Lisa

    1. Thankyou for your kind words Lisa. I never know how big or small my list will be by the end of the week. I just try to do the best I can no matter how busy my week gets.

      Do you have a few frugal tasks to share ?

    2. Have learnt a lot from you, use Coles dishwashing powder, always line dry clothes, my daughter finished her hsc so i took her op shopping and we bought her some lovely clothes for uni and work (interviews) all great brands for a fraction of what it would cost new I also found 2 lovely Esprit blouses for $2 each and slacks for work for $3 for myself.Cherry picked the half price specials from Woolworths and Coles and did the main grocery shop ftom Aldi. Slowly using up all my old cleaning products and will then be moving onto miracle spray etc. Most meals cooked from scratch but did buy a bbq chook and a marked down bag of salad after one particularly busy work day when I was frazzled. Lisa

    3. what a lovely list of frugal things you have done this week Wendy. I need to start listing mine again, this way I will keep it up. the grazing board for dinner is what we are doing for Christmas, and DH and I have done it for a special Sunday lunch sometimes.

    4. Great bargains at the op shop Lisa.

    5. Hi Megh, it's good to hear from you again. I look forward to your frugal list in the coming weeks.

  6. Another inspiring list Wendy, thank you for sharing. I look forward to your mid week and Sat morning posts too. We managed a good week here. It has been grey and showery which has meant clothes airers with limited dryer use. I prefer sun dried clothes to the dryer too.
    I'm keen to plant lettuce for summer. I'm not much of a green thumb but I'll give it a go. Iceberg lettuce is 2.99 here! It adds up buying one a week. We love a nice gazing platter. It means it's time for warm evenings outside on the patio. Simple pleasures. I managed a good start on Christmas presents this week and got some half price chocolates to add to gifts. I'm going to try and buy more gifts online to avoid the shops and overspending, not to mention the crowds. Have a lovely week. Rachel:)

    1. Hi Rachel. We either grow Cos lettuce or a salad mix. You just pick the leaves as you need them.

  7. I have been using my flybuys vouchers and collecting extra points. Just by doing my weekly shop. No extra items to earn points.
    Have eaten a lot from our garden, using homemade cleaners, washing liquid for us and Mum, utilising our eggs and sharing them.
    Skylight fitted which eliminates two lights which were always on. A solar skylight coming Wednesday which will eliminate three down lights.

    1. Hi Kylie, we do the same with Flybuys. So many people spend a fortune chasing a few extra points.

  8. Hi Wendy,

    Great list!! Love your Christmas tree and such beautiful colours.

    Can I ask you what the brand was for the no silicon shampoo? As you originally put me on to the no silicon shampoo but I would like one with a pump. Thanks,

    1. Hi Maureen, it's the TRESemme brand in dark green bottles. The pumps were from the big bottles of Imperial Leather shower gel.

  9. I am a regular reader from England. I enjoy your blog and have even read all the archive copies. The grazing boards look great (I wanted one). Presentation is important. They look delicious and it just goes to show that even if you are eating at home you can make it special. Please keep on writing your blog I also look forward to reading it. Veronica


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