
Wednesday 3 April 2019

DIY Garlic Bread.

I'm not a fan of store bought garlic breads.  They seem to be very heavy and doughy.  I personally haven't bought a garlic bread for the last two decades but they have been served up at gatherings.  I just couldn't see the point and my budget never really allowed for the extra expense.

Garlic and herb breads can be made with bread sticks,  bread rolls or even a loaf of bread.  Take your pick.  Here's how I make mine -

*  Bread stick
*  Butter
*  Dried mixed herbs
*  Garlic powder or dried garlic granules
*  Salt ( if needed )

Cut the bread stick ( or roll ) into slices.
Lay the pieces flat and spread butter on each piece.
Sprinkle garlic,  mixed herbs and salt on each piece of bread.
Stack the bread pieces together and turn the end piece back to front so the buttered side is facing inwards.
Wrap the bread stick in foil and freeze until needed.

To heat up,  turn the oven on to 180 degrees Celsius and place the bread stick on an oven tray then place in the oven.
Heat for 15 minutes then open the foil up slightly and heat for a further 5 - 7 minutes.  Serve.


*  I portion the bread stick into 6 - 7 pieces which is enough for the three of us.  This reduces or eliminates wastage.

*  Garlic bread can be heated under the grill in the oven without the foil.  This method is quicker but you need to keep an eye on it as it can burn quickly.


  1. this sounds going to put this into my recipe book...thank you for sharing...:)

  2. Hi Wendy,

    Was this the garlic bread that you brought down to Phillip island last May as it was amazing 😉

  3. Home made is much better and cheaper! I always make my own.

  4. Sounds tasty! Do you ever mix the herbs and garlic granules into the butter?

  5. Yum! Home made garlic bread is the best. I make it myself too. Tastes so much better than the bought stuff. I was wondering if you could do a post on meat. I'm getting my food stock pile together, getting my meal plans together and really budgeting our food bill but I wonder what's a good price to get mince meat per kg, chicken etc. We're not big meat eaters but I struggle with what's a good price on meat. I Enjoy your posts and always look forward to reading them and implementing your tips.

    1. I've written a post about meat and it will be published shortly.

  6. Love garlic bread. Thanks for sharing. I love you blog. I can't wait to peek around and catch up.


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