
Saturday 6 April 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 6th April 2019

We've had some beautiful Autumn / Mild Summer type weather in Melbourne this week.  Great for drying the washing and great for our energy consumption.  I worked four days this week and did my grocery shopping on my day off.  Of course I spent a fair bit of time at Kurt and Megan's place cuddling Luka.  Megan is getting back onto her feet and able to do small amounts of housework.

Here's my frugal list for the week -

*  Made two chocolate cakes and seven little ones.  One cake went to Megan and Kurt,  a smaller one was for us and the little ones went into the freezer for when we are on church morning tea.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  Did the grocery shopping for the next five weeks and stuck to the list.  So far I've spent just over $102 with about $17 left from the budget to cover milk and a few fruit and veg for the next five weeks.  Usually I do a monthly shop but I thought I'd see if I can stretch the budget to five weeks.  If it doesn't work i'll go back to monthly.  With fruit and veg increasing in price due to the drought,  I might have to increase our food budget to $150 a month.

*  Stayed away from the shops except for the grocery shopping.  Cuddling Luka is more important than shopping.

*  Fed the compost bin every couple of days with kitchen scraps.

*  Sold one dozen eggs and a jar of jam to a cleaning client.

*  Bought two trays of Lamb Forequarter Chops form Coles at 50% off making them $8 a kilo.  There were six chops on each tray so I'll be freezing them into packs of two for Darren and I.

*  Gratefully received quite a few little tomatoes from a friend.  I'm hoping to use them on homemade pizza on Sunday night.

*  Dried all the washing on the line.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and poured it into the washing machine each day. I also saved the washing machine rinse water as per usual.

*  Froze 10 single serves of leftovers from our dinners.

Slow cooked lamb on mash and spinach

Leftover Massaman beef for the freezer

My lunches a few times this week

Baking bread

What frugal tasks did your complete this week ?


  1. Hi Wendy and I am glad you have had warmer weather there to dry your washing and make it generally more cheery. The bonus of being a grandmother is that you can have lots of grandchildren cuddles :).

    Our savings added up to $309.84 last week :).

    In the kitchen -

    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.
    - Made 2 batches of MOO yoghurt.

    In the craft/sewing room -

    - Priced and packaged homemade items to take to the school fete to sell tomorrow as we are having a stall there. It is run by the BlueLight disco to raise funds for them. Wish us luck.

    In the gardens -

    - Did a yard cleanup and got rid of any rotted wood from the vineyard destruction, old grapevines, venetian blinds that were not working and a broken down fan to the tip. It looks much neater and tidier now.
    - DH mowed and whipper snipped the yard and we mulched around the mulberry, mandarin tree and native shrubs in the yard.
    - DH earned $150 from paid gardening work this week.

    Finances -

    - Banked quite a bit more money into our emergency kitty from savings in most budget categories over the last few months.

    Purchases -

    - Bought a 5 piece fire tool set and flue cleaning kit on eBay saving $175.04 on buying them locally in our country stores.
    - Purchased 10 cotton long sleeved t-shirts for me saving $30 on usual prices.
    - From the hardware store DH purchased out of his earnings from gardening a 216 m roll of whipper snipper cord (the larger rolls worked out to be just over half the price per metre than the smaller rolls) and a 250kg load furniture removalist trolley on special saving $104.80 on usual prices.

    Hope everyone has had a wonderful week :).

    sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. Great week Wendy!
    Cuddling Luke will be you new favourite thing in the world. Enjoy! We have enjoyed the cooler weather. So glad to see the back of summer!
    Here in my part of Qld the tomatoes are $9.99kg. That is more expensive than chicken breast! Such a blessing to get tomatoes. We have had a frugal week here too. I've started a rule to wash up the largest item (or 2) going into the dishwasher after dinner ie fry pan or pot. It quickly gets filled by cups and bowls at breakfast, then I run it. I am finding I'm not using the dishwasher as much. Hopefully this will help with water and energy. Have a great week. Rachel :)

  3. You are so very right. Cuddly the baby is the most important thing and is to be enjoyed.

    My week has putzed along. I keep doing the same things over and over. I went to the quilt shop today and blew my budget.

  4. Wonderful!!!! I love the idea of freezing single servings of leftovers. This is genius!!!!

  5. Wendy I can see you have taken to being a Grandmother so much! We had a lot of frugal opportunities this week. I had fruit to use up, eggs, I made lots and planted in the garden. It was busy busy but all in a good way! xxx

  6. All you foos looks so wonderful and yummy.

  7. That looks an amazing list. Thank you for sharing.

  8. We've had glorious weather up here in Brissy too, Wendy. I always feel more energised when the days are cooler and the heat of Summer has finally gone. It's school holidays here now too! Here's my frugal list:
    * made a lemon and ricotta cake, chocolate slice and nutty choc-chip cookies for school holiday snacks.
    * washed and dried all our bed linen out in the sun.
    * borrowed books and a dvd from library for slow holiday reading and viewing
    * topped up fuel in cars when price cheaper yesterday
    * made a big pot of pasta sauce and froze most of that for quick work-day meals
    * cut out a pattern, from fabric already in my stash, for a top to wear with jeans
    * posted my Easter parcel up home early to avoid last minute express post costs

    Enjoy cuddling your new grandson, Wendy. Meg:)


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