
Saturday 28 March 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Friday 27th March 2020

Megan and I had a very busy day.  Most of our adventures were food related but we can now relax knowing we are well stocked.

*  Megan and I went to Australian Butchers to top up our meat supply.  All meat was repackaged into meal sizes once we got home. We also went to Coles supermarket for a few bits and pieces.

*  Both Megan and I did an inventory of our meat stocks before we went out shopping.  Most of the meat we will share amongst the two families with some nights cooking different things to suit our tastes and budgets.

*  Wrote out a menu plan for the next week and a half.  Although I like to write menus a month or more in advance,  we need to play it by ear and watch what we are using up and what is available to buy ( and if we are allowed out in the future ).

*  Darren planted broccoli seeds.

Massaman beef curry was on the dinner menu.

*  Staked the cucumber plants.  We are not sure if we'll get anything from them so we are feeding them up.

Meat from Australian Butchers

Cucumber plants

What did you get up to on Friday ?


  1. I did the same Wendy. It absolutely cost me a fortune. You have no choice when that is all that is left. I have a very well stocked pantry. We will be feeding 4 Adults & 2 Toddlers. I have enough for 4 weeks thats cooking from scratch. More veggies planted this morning. I have self isolated before the numbers climb.

  2. On Friday I truly battled with the isolation. Even the simplest jobs seemed worthless. Today has been much better.

    1. Suzan, keeping busy helps to keep the mind off what's going on. It's never worthless.

    2. Suzan, I second Wendy's message above. Here is how I am handling it...

      I am not as well organized as many of you, and it seems like I am always a dollar short and a day late with everything. I have made a list of the things that need doing and making sure to accomplish one big and one small task every day. The feeling that I am actually accomplishing something, and can enjoy it now, has really helped.

      Big jobs accomplished--I painted an old secretary/chest, moved a humongous computer desk to the garage so I can donate it when the thrift stores open again, re-packed a desk I bought that was too small for the space and shipped it back to the company. My husband is working today at switching all of our electronics to a new modem/ISP.

      Small jobs--moved my sewing area to where the big desk used to be and cleaned up the sewing mess; replaced the pulls on the chest I painted; wallpapered the chest drawers, made a rice bag for a relative and packed it for mailing. Today I am wallpapering the last drawer and ironing 3 curtain panels for our vacation home. (I washed them last fall!).

      And, of course, I've been cooking! Doing a little bit better job than usual, which my family appreciates.

      All of these things make me feel better on the day I do them and afterward, when I look around and see them (or, in the case of the computer desk, DON'T see them).

  3. Hi Wendy,
    Lots of cleaning out and decluttering going on here. Stewed up some sad fruit and had it for dessert with custard. Our cucumbers are now coming to the end I think. We have had tonnes of them this year.

    1. Maureen, I've been decluttering all year but I'm sure I can find more things to sort out.

  4. Wendy I am so sorry to hear that Darren has lost his job and your hours are reduced :( . Hopefully things should look up shortly and he will get another job shortly.

    Fantastic that you and your family are combining resources and are well stocked and could get most of the things you needed. It is a bit hit and miss with what you can get grocery shopping at the moment.

    Yesterday I deep cleaned the bathrooms and toilet and dusted the skirting boards in rumpus room, bathroom and stairs.

    We stripped the bed and remade it with clean sheets and folded up 3 loads of washing.

    In the afternoon we sat down and watched free movies on netflix as they have a free 7 days available now.

    Dinner was air fried chicken drumsticks and chips.

    Have a great week :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    Have a great rest of your day.

    1. Your list is almost identical to the one I'm posting today

  5. Hi Wendy,
    How do you keep your portioned meat and meals from getting frost damage?

    1. I wrap it in cling wrap or freezer bags then use an old bread bag to double wrap. It works really well.

  6. So very happy you are back blogging Wendy. I’ve missed you.

    1. Thankyou. Life has been really busy with the birth of our second grandson.


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