
Sunday 29 March 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Saturday 28th March 2020

The lovely weather has us pottering around outside as much as possible.  Here are Saturday's adventures -

*  Weeded the lettuce we have growing in guttering on the fence.

*  Stripped our bed and did three loads of washing.  The great weather allowed us to dry the washing outside.  I also started washing all the blankets we keep on chairs and couches,  ready for the cooler weather.

*  Darren edged our gardens and Kurt mowed the lawns.

*  Made 10 jars of raspberry jam using fruit from our garden I'd been picking and freezing over the last few months.  This has freed up some freezer space which is lovely to have ( for a change ).

*  Gave the ensuite shower a really good clean.  For the last 6 - 8 months I've been using a microfibre cloth ,  an old toothbrush and diluted dish washing liquid.

*  We had home style KFC drumsticks with roast potatoes cooked in the air fryer and salad.

Lettuce seedlings in guttering.

Raspberry jam on the stove.

What adventures did Saturday bring for you and your family ?


  1. Wendy that jam looks delicious and good on your for saving the berries until you had enough to make jam with :) and no doubt your lawns look beautiful as well as your weeded lettuce garden. You are right my list for Friday is almost identical to yours too.

    Yesterday we woke up late after watching a few movies but did get a few things done being -

    I folded up some towels and socks which I had hung over chairs to dry as they were damp coming in from clothes line and put them away.

    My hair was quite wayward and long and needed thinning so I went to a local hairdresser here in our village who works from her country home. For only $20 for a shampoo, extensive cut and blow dry that is really cheap and she did a terrific job. We are making a concerted effort to support local businesses in town so they have some income coming in where possible.

    I asked her if locals had been supporting her and she said sadly no as most people in the village go to the larger towns in high priced salons for haircuts and colours. She said she was flat out making $50 a week which is truly sad in a village of almost 500 people.

    Dinner was rump steak we purchased before all the prices went up for $8.95 kg, steamed frozen vegetables and eggs.

    Have a great day ahead everyone :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

  2. Yesterday saw me tidying and trying to not lose my patience. As fast as I do something there is another job. I made an old fashioned milky pudding for mum to eat as she has few teeth now. I made croutons out of old bread. Now I am in trouble for using the oven!

    You have had productive days.

  3. That's a great way to grow lettuce, Wendy.

  4. Made two baba breads with sad bananas and a kg of yoghurt

  5. Hi Wendy,
    I'm really enjoying your daily updates. Thank you for sharing.
    I started following your posts back in 2014. I wanted our family out of debt and saving money. I started to pay attention to grocery shopping costs and stockpiling good grocery specials. During this worrying time I am very grateful to you for sharing your ideas. We have a well stocked pantry and freezer that didn't cost a bundle. I find it very comforting in this current situation.
    During our weekly grocery top ups, we have had some strange items in our trolley mainly because there was nothing else. Some of those items have been great. We could only buy long narrow Turkish rolls for our hamburgers last night. We toasted them and they were delicious. We are going to stick with them and I find Turkish bread freezes well too. Win Win!
    Wishing you, your family and blog readers a happy and healthy week.
    Take care. Rachel:)

    1. Hi Rachel. I'm happy to share on a daily basis in the hope that it keeps people going and motivated. We are all in a difficult situation and I think we can all learn from each other and share encouragement.

      I'm so glad you have a stockpile. I've seen some interesting things on the supermarket shelves. At this point I think the supermarkets are putting out any stock they can get there hands on.

  6. Very productive day Wendy , that jam sounds lovely .

  7. I can almost smell the raspberries. I’m not a big fruit - eater except for berries. Nice that your house guests are pitching in. Helps to keep things friendly and smooth during this season of your lives.
    Sheila. Michigan USA

    1. Sheila, our home smelt like a lolly shop when the jam was cooking.

  8. Hello, is your country locked down because of the virus like most the USA?
    We are staying at home only going out to keep our gas tanks full and to pick up grocery orders.

    1. Hi Rhonda. We are not in complete lock down. Different states have different stages of restrictions. Mostly we are allowed to go out for groceries, petrol, medical reasons and to work if we cannot work at home. We cannot gather in groups of 2 or more people in public. The Australian government is watching what other countries are doing and moving faster to flatten the curve.

  9. The raspberry jam looks so delicious, Wendy. Saturday we went to Costco together. We stood in line outside for about 5-10 mins in the sunshine. The store limits the number of shoppers inside at one time. We got paper towels (that was our main goal ;) and some ground beef - basically everything we went in for. People kept distance, there were sneeze shields up at all the registers. Was like a science-fiction movie, kind of. But, everyone was behaving themselves and we actually enjoyed out outing together ;). I was so sorry to read that Darren lost his job. God bless and protect you and your family(s).
    Mary in San Diego🌴

    1. Thankyou for your kind words Mary. It still amazes me that people from other countries read my blog. Makes the world seem a little smaller.

      I think our supermarkets are about to put up shields. We now have procedures for unpacking trolleys and now pack our own groceries.


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