
Saturday 4 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Friday 3rd April 2020

I don't know about you but my days seem to be busier than when I was working and running our home.  Maybe having two babies in the house keeps me busier.  Here's what we got up to today -

*  Megan and I went grocery shopping.  The supermarket shelves are almost back to normal except for toilet paper,  paper towel,  rice,  flour and sugar.  I was able to buy the elusive self raising flour which I haven't seen anywhere for three weeks.  Now I can bake to my heart's content without having to ration the flour out.  With today's grocery shopping done I don't need to buy anything for the next couple of weeks.

*  Cleaned the dishwasher with bi carb and vinegar.  The door and seals were wiped down with miracle spray.

*  Picked a good sized bowl of raspberries and a handful of beans from our garden.

*  Rearranged the pantry to fit in today's shop.  It felt like  I was playing Tetris  when I was trying to make more room in the pantry.

*  Megan did three loads of washing.

*  Dusted all surfaces inside.

*  Lamb chops cooked on the bbq with mashed potato and steamed veg was on the menu for dinner tonight. 

Today's haul of raspberries

Growing in the guttering on the fence.

How did you spend your Friday ?

Have you been able to buy all the groceries on your list ?


  1. Those raspberries look tasty!
    I got a handful off our plant this year, which was wonderful since I only planted it in November 2019.

    Friday we did
    *hang out a few loads of washing
    *my youngest son clean his room and his sister's room!
    *we seeded our nature strip
    *picked a few tomatoes - mine seems to be taking a long time ripen


    1. Brooke, our tomatoes took a long time to ripen. Infact, the plants died before they ripened so we picked them and ripened them in the sun in trays

  2. yesterday Friday, yes I was able to get most groceries except Eggs! I found them at the Chinese grocers. I managed to do a lot of weeding and Ive almost made it around the whole garden. Unfortunately the weather has turned cold today as Im sure you've noticed (Saturday) so not sure when Ill get out again. Have had a nice rest on the couch today knitting.

  3. Your raspberries look delicious, Wendy. I grow a native type here but the birds usually get them first! We are able to get most things on our grocery lists here as products seem to be returning to shelves. The biggest difficulties I've had so far, for what has been on my list, have been eggs and mince but have been able to get both this week. Meg:)

    1. Well done on getting mince and eggs. I've heard that supermarkets have reduced the price of mince and other meats.

  4. Those berries of yours look so beautiful. I am not sure if I can grow them here.

    Yesterday I finished the washing. I had a huge fall overnight and even though I was stiff and sore I managed basic chores.

    Shopping is a bit hit and miss. Toilet paper and tissues are like gold. We are well stocked with meat and basics and some long life food. I am not too worried although my mother always find something to complain about. I have finally convinced her that we are quite well off for tp so now she is on about tissues. there will always be something.

    God bless and stay safe.

  5. Hi Wendy.

    The shelves at our Coles are starting to get back to normal although not stacked full. You have to be at the stores bright and early to get what you want. Woollies still has vacant shelves. No rice, flour, sugar, toilet paper and paper towels. The pasta sauces and pasta are pretty low also. Not much in the freezer section either.

    Went for my usual walk, watered the veggies, picked some beans, kale, silver-beet and celery. Made a vegetable stew using old veggies in the fridge. I just popped them all in the crockpot and let it stew all day. It made a huge amount, we had some for tea, and I will freeze the leftovers for Phil to take to work. Dessert was apple roly poly pudding with vanilla custard.

    Around home I tidied up as I had gotten behind with a few things.

    Those raspberries look delicious!

    Enjoy your weekend,

    1. It certainly is soup weather Tania. Enjoy.

  6. Wendy I am glad you were able to find the self raising flour you needed and good to hear the grocery shelves in the supermarkets are getting back to normal stocks. Your raspberries look delicious and glad you were able to pick up some beans.

    We spent Friday with me deep cleaning the bathrooms and toilets and topping up garden beds with amended soil and planting silverbeet seeds as our last crop finished.

    Finances -
    - We paid an extra part payment off our mortgage.
    - Banked a fair bit more into our 3 month living expenses emergency fund bringing us to almost halfway there :).

    Haircuts -
    - I had my haircut in a home based locals hair salon and only paid $20 for a wash, cut and blowdry. I think this saved around $73 according to what prices I can find on the internet.

    Purchases -
    - From IGA on specials we purchased watermelon, 6 tins of Campbells soup and Old Gold Chocolate saving $13.97 on usual prices.
    - Online on eBay I purchased a no flat wheelbarrow tyre and rim saving $16 over buying it locally even with delivery.

    In the kitchen -
    - Cooked all meals and bread from scratch.
    - Made a lemon cheesecake from items we had saving us $7.29 over buying it.

    Deep cleaning and decluttering -
    - Deep cleaned, decluttered and organised the sewing/craft room and it looks much better.

    In the gardens -
    - Topped up 1 garden bed with soil, planted silverbeet and added lime and fertiliser and watered it in. The rain has since been giving it a good water too :).

    Have a wonderfully productive week ahead everyone :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Do you have any crafts on you list to do Lorna ?

  7. Friday - I sat with my youngest during the morning whilst she completed her school work for the day, watered our corn in the hope they do sprout, paid some bills, did a small but exxy grocery shop (grabbed toilet paper but no eggs or sugar) and went to bed early to watch some telly.

    1. Yes sugar is still in short supply here too. I haven't looked at the eggs but we still have one chicken that lays ( and a free loader )


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