
Friday 3 April 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Thursday 2nd April 2020

Today it rained on and off for most of the day.  We concentrated on indoor jobs to keep us busy.

*  Baked a big batch of scones.  Darren and I enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea of scones with homemade raspberry jam outside on the deck while it was raining.  The rest of the scones will be frozen.

*  Darren cleaned the exhaust fans in both bathrooms.

*  I gave our shower and bathroom sink and mirror a clean using diluted dish washing liquid.

*  Made a double batch of ANZAC biscuit dough.  Most of the dough was frozen for future baking but I did bake two trays of biscuits too.

*  Darren lubricated all the inside door hinges.  A few were starting to squeak.

*  I did the ironing which was a total of two items.  With Darren and I staying home most of the time,   we don't have the occasion to wear shirts and denim that often.  Still,  it was nice to put the ironing away.

*  Wrote a shopping list for tomorrow's grocery shop.  I'm trying to plan ahead with fresh fruit and veg so I only need to shop every two weeks.

*  Popcorn chicken ( given to us ) in homemade flat breads with salad was on the menu for dinner tonight.

Scones in abundance

ANZAC biscuits

How did you fill your Thursday ?

Did you get any rain where you live ?


  1. We haven't had rain for a couple of days where I live, Wendy. Homemade scones are always lovely. We enjoy them here often too. I made vanilla essence with a little packet of vanilla beans that I received from friends. MegXx

    1. Well done on the vanilla essence Meg. We love scones too especially with homemade jam.

  2. We didn't have any rain yesterday and I am finding it difficult to remember what I did yesterday. There was the washing, having that and folding it afterwards. I took my son to the dentist. He has a fear of needles and dentists. Life outside the house is so surreal. While he was in there I bought a real coffee and sat under a tree. It was my first bit of real freedom in more than a week.

    God bless us all as we work through these peculiar times.

  3. Hi Wendy,
    Thank you for the daily updates, I really look forward to them. They keep me motivated to tick off the many jobs to do around home

  4. Thursday I had a busy day at work, lots of cleaning to keep the children extra safe.

    *Once home I used the garden fork to aerator our lawn, we are reseeding.

    *A work friend was very lovely and gave me a large goodie bag of sukin products.

    *We had the developers of our new estate come and add topsoil to our nature strip which was a happy surprise and means I could cancel our topsoil order of 10 meters! Saving us lots of money!

    *We have not used our dryer which is a big saving with four children all at home due to this virus! Weather was beautiful

    Brooke from Wonthaggi :)

    1. Enjoy the Sukin products Brooke. I've just started using them. They are lovely.

  5. Hello Wendy.

    We had a huge dust storm today with very little rain although it is cooler now for the weekend.

    You have reminded me that I was going to make scones and haven't got to them yet. Maybe tomorrow.

    Today I went for a walk, did a couple of loads of washing, then prepared and baked two more loaves of bread using your recipe. These have been placed in the freezer. I also refreshed my sourdough starter by feeding it for a few days and made two loaves of that also. I baked a depression recipe for chocolate cake and it turned out really delicious!

    Veggie/tofu stir-fry and homemade bread toasted for tea. Leftovers in the fridge for tomorrow.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.



  6. On Thursday I made a new curtain valance for my large living room window. I have had the fabric for several years and finally got on with it. It looks wonderful! I had just enough fabric left over for the fronts of two cushions so I took some filling from an old pillow and made two pillow forms and then found some coordinating fabric and made envelope covers so that the new cushions matched the new valance. Now I feel like I have a magazine photo worthy room for no money and a long delayed job ticked off the list.
    I am a senior with a compromised immune system so I am at home for the duration. Your postings are helping to keep me on track since I can only have telephone or computer time with my children and grandchildren.
    Deb in Texas

  7. Struggling so bad with isolation. Mum is driving me nuts. I did massive shopping before we isolated i didnt hoard but bought extra things i thought mum would enjoy eating. My partner and myself have been together 18 years but live seperately I miss seeing him we call each other but hard with mum listening in. Doing some gardening as had seeds to use up. I bought some bulbs looking forward to getting them in the ground. I have fallen in love with double daffodils.

    Mum put some cardigans aside for the op shop they are years old, i picked some out and i have been cutting them in squares to make a throw rug. I dont have a machine so i have been filling the evenings hand sewing them together. I found a tablecloth and threads that i rescued out of a rubbish bin I have unpicked some and will do it in different shades of purple. Watering down products, drying herbs, breadcrumbs stretching meals and surprisingly saving a lot of money. Praying that our world all heals and life can go back to normal as we know it. Have a wonderful weekend Leanne.


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