
Saturday 2 May 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Friday 1st May 2020

Friday was a cold,  wet and very windy day here in Melbourne.  Here's what we got up to -

*  I helped Megan get her grocery shopping done.  Our local $2 shop had a 50% off sale on all their party supplies.  Megan was able to put together enough supplies for dinosaur,  construction and super hero parties for both her boys over the next few years.

*  Darren vacuumed and mopped the floors.

*  I gave our bathroom a clean.

*  I spent the afternoon in my recliner chair under a blanket watching A Country Practice  on tv.  It was too cold to do anything else.

*  Leftover tuna pasta bake was on the menu for Darren and myself.

Today I've included a few photos I took at the Melbourne International Flower Show back in 2015.  I hope these images brighten your day.

Have you been picking any flowers from your garden to brighten your home ?


  1. Dear Wendy ,
    Thank you for sharing your abundant adventures with us.I don't have any flowers in my garden only bromeliads mainly but it really needs work at the moment.
    I love your photos ,you take such great pictures Wendy.
    thank you you have brightened my day ,I love all of the flowers in the pictures but my favourites are the links and purples .
    That was great that Megan was able to get party supplies cheap ,the boys and your family will have such fun I can imagine.
    Here in my home
    I have used my time in isolation to slowly do some decluttering,got back into crafting ( my crafting mojo finally came back !.) And I have also been revising my spending plan / budget amongst other things.
    Oh yes I have been sorting out my gift cupboard and have more than I thought which is great.
    Take care and thanks again for bringing some sunshine to our days.xxBarb W

  2. Beautiful flowers! We seem to have your weather here in Tassie today. Freezing cold, wet and windy. Snow in a few higher areas. Made some pumpkin scones this morning, dried washing in lounge room with our split cycle running keeping us warm and snug. Did some online training for work. Am not working at the moment due to working in childcare, and I am in a high risk category. Am lucky enough to get a medical certificate supporting this, and doing online training, to receive the job keeper package. I also support my adult son with autism. Very lucky to receive this payment. Hope everyone is keeping warm and well. Anne.

  3. Lovely flowers, the Hyacinths particularly.

  4. We don't have many flowers but a rose or two has been picked. My daughter gave mea beautiful potted plant for Easter and it sits on a table near the front door. I am being forced to rest. I have asthma and have caught something. Lots of medicine to take and a co vid test has been done.

    God bless and stay safe.

  5. Yes the flowers did brighten my morning. Thank you for a little space of normal.


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