
Sunday 3 May 2020

Smiley Sunday 3rd May 2020

Over the last few months the whole world has experienced upheaval in many ways.  It's easy to get bogged down with all the new reports of statistics,  restrictions,  protests and devastation.

Please make sure you take time out each day to find the things that put a smile on your dial.  Here are a few things in my life that make me smile -

*  An empty laundry basket really does make me smile.  I feel a great sense of achievement when the last load of washing is in the machine. 

*  My miniature tea set / tea pot collection puts a big smile on my face.  I remember the joy I felt when shopping with my grandma and bought my first mini tea set.  I was about 9 or 10 at the time and happiness filled my soul.  It was almost 20 years later when I started adding to my collection.  Over the years my collection has bought joy to many visitors in our home.

*  A warm blanket to snuggle under on a cold night makes me happy.  I feel blessed to have such comfort in our home. 

Just a few of my mini tea sets

I love having blankets

What are some of the great joys in your life that make you smile ?


  1. I love being able to snuggle down as the weather cools. Curling up a book or crafting while winter is here is.

  2. I really appreciate and love getting into a hot shower whenever I want or need to.

  3. Hi Wendy,
    Thank you for posting Sunday Smiles.
    I love an empty washing basket too. We have had cold clear weather up here in Qld. The washing dries quickly. I'm doing mattress protectors as well as everything else. Love clean beds. The dog got a bath and all his bedding washed too. Feeling good having all of that done.
    I'm finding joy in odd places. I started watching The Golden Girls series. It is funny but the fashions back then in the late 80s early 90s take me back. Shoulder pads, clashing colour and ski pants!!
    I'm loving snuggling up with the doona in bed. It's been a long hot summer so we welcome the cold weather with open arms. Home made meat pies are on the menu tonight.
    Take care.

  4. A great post Wendy. It is often the small things in life that turn out to be the big things. In the past week I made my daughter a cowl (cowel) and she has worn it everyday and even snuggled with it in bed at night. Then I made he a french knitted hair scrunchie which was a huge hit! I am now making her a slouch beanie. I am really looking forward to seeing her face light up when it is completed.

    One of my boys celebrated their 12th birthday and even though we only bought him a few gifts, they knocked his socks off!! I used to buy loads of birthday presents for my children's birthdays but not anymore.

    My eldest son gave me an early Mother's Day present he made in 40 minutes! It was a video clip of a 4WD trip we took back in December. I burst into tears with so much happiness and love. He added credits and all.

    The Mr is finally coming around to my frugal ways and...drum rolls please...he tipped half of the 1L bottle of hair conditioner into another bottle and diluted both bottles by 50%. Win. Win.

    Have a lovely week Wendy.

  5. My joy is actually staying home away from the hustle and bustle of the busy shops etc. The only time I go to the shop now is once a week for fresh vegetables. I have gone back to basics here at home, by making do with what I have and creating wholesome meals for us to eat.

    Spending extra time doing vegetable gardening, getting much needed rain, and now being outside in the bright sunshine, clean laundry, a nice cosy fire and blanket, using my vintage collections, these all bring me joy.

    Love your tea-sets and cosy blankets Wendy.



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