
Monday 4 May 2020

Abundant Cottage Adventures Sunday 3rd May 2020

We praise God for all the good rain we've had lately.  It's softened the soil in our garden and helped established the new plants we put in recently.  Here's what we've been up to on Sunday -

*  Cleaned the dishwasher filters and ran the dishwasher on a long hot cycle with bi carb and vinegar.  I also cleaned the door seals and the door inside and out.

*  Cooked ,  mashed and drained lots of pumpkin.  I'll  be making another batch of pumpkin scones shortly.

*  Cleaned the door of the clothes dryer.  Lint and dirt gets stuck around the seal of the door and a small brush gets it clean in no time.

*  Darren weeded a vegie garden bed ready for planting.  I pruned a daisy bush and weeded a few garden beds.

*  Cleaned the kitchen window with vinegar in a spray bottle and a microfibre cloth.  With more people using the kitchen day and night,  the window gets dirty very easily.

*  Watched our church service online while Luka enjoyed playing with my clothes pegs.

*  Homemade pizzas were on the menu for dinner.

Homemade pizza is the best.

Have you been making your version of takeaway food ?


  1. Simple meals are the order of the day here and trying to not waste one drop of food. I fail of course but the intention is there.

    I love that your darling little one is playing with simple toys.

  2. Hi Wendy,

    We had homemade pizza recently and enjoyed it better than the takeaway stuff.

    I have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen while in the lock down. If anything good comes of this, at least we will be healthier by the end of it.

    I cleaned my kitchen window yesterday too. I love to look out a clean window while doing the dishes.

    Hope you are all doing okay in these trying times.


  3. I've got some gluten-free pizza crust rising right now. I am trying to use up some things that have been around for a while, as we all are at this time, and found a recipe that used millet and brown rice flour, both of which have been around for a while. I'm excited to see how it turns out!

  4. Laughing when you said Luka was playing with clothes pegs. We used to make fences for our toy animal farm with them.
    I could sneak a piece of that pizza. I love homemade. My fussy husband doesn’t. 😕
    Sheila-Escanaba Michigan USA

  5. Yes! I make homemade pizza here too and use pita or lebanese bread as a base. My favourite is homemade tomato sauce, red onion, capsicum, tomato, oregano and chilli flakes :)


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