
Wednesday 2 September 2020

Is There Gold In Your Shed ?

 I'm sure I've got your attention now.  You're probably thinking ' what the heck is she talking about ? '  I'm not talking about real gold,  but things that are of value,  especially when you can't get to the shops due to either lockdown,  sickness or if money is tight.

Have you stored things away you have forgotten about that could be used to save money or even make you money ?  Here are a few ideas of what could be lurking in your shed or garage -

*  Icecream containers.  It's hard to throw them out when they seem so useful.  Do you need storage containers in your pantry,  laundry or bedrooms.  They make great biscuit containers,  freezer containers ( for soups and stews ),  hair tie containers if you have girls or even storage for batteries,  household hooks,  screws and nails.  Maybe you are looking for a container to put your homemade laundry powder in.

*  Glass jars.  Have you stashed them away and forgotten about them.  They make great storage for dried herbs and spices in the pantry.  Jam making season will be upon us in a few months.  Maybe you could check to see if you have enough jars.  

*  Old shoe boxes.  Can they be used for craft storage,  for present giving or craft activities with the kids.  

*  A piece of furniture that's seem better days.  Can it be repaired or restored and used in your home ?  Could it be sold ?

*  Pieces of timber.  There are a million uses for timber but I'll name a few - make veggie garden markers,  make a picture frame,  build a vertical herb garden,  make a wall hanging.  Maybe you have enough timber to make things to sell.

*  Abandoned exercise equipment.  Could you use the equipment instead of buying into an expensive food / shake / exercise program or gym ?

*  Pantry / cleaning supplies.  Have you been using your shed or garage for your stockpile ?  Maybe it's time to see if you can refill your pantry or laundry cupboard.

*  Sporting or camping equipment that's no longer needed.  Could you sell it for a little extra money?

*  Vegetable or flower seeds.  Could you be planting them now for almost free food ?  No need to go to a florist when you could pick flowers straight from the garden.  Maybe you don't need another trip to Bunnings for more seeds.

*  Suitcases.  Do you have old suitcases that could be used as storage instead of buying more plastic tubs ?    

Only you know what's in your shed or garage.  Do you have any gold ?


  1. Brilliant post Wendy. Wow, what a great, attention-grabbing question! You have me thinking about all the resources in our many storage spots around our home and yard, and how it’s time for a browse through them to see what “gold” I have lurking there. Thanks a bunch for the inspiration! Take care! Teresa

  2. Good ideas! You reminded me I have 3 suitcases in my storage shed that could be used for storage!

  3. Great post. LIke you I like to use what I have.

    Icecream containers can also be cut down with the sides used to make labels for plant cuttings and the base used as a tray .

    I find we mostly have rectangular ice cream containers . Cut down to a variety of depths they fit in the fridge door and act as easy make and wash trays to keep like food together and for catching any sauce or milk dribbles.
    I also have a few lovely old silky oak pot plant stands . Being square or rectangular the ice cream "saucers" I make are more secure and slightly deeper that some bought plant saucers. So there is less chance of accidents onto the lovely old wood that the planters are made of.

  4. I know mum has some interesting things out there. It is stuffed to the gunnels.

  5. I didn't have an old suitcase so I went to a local charity shop and purchased one. I think I paid $4 or $5 for it. It is perfect for the kid's lego because it fits underneath the beds and is big enough for the three of them to sit around and build.



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