
Saturday 5 September 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 5th September 2020

 Our week started off with lots of baking and making.  I was really on a roll and enjoying all the extra free time I have to make the fun stuff.  Then my attention turned to keeping the weeds under control in the veggie garden.  I quite enjoy weeding and find it relaxing.  Don't get me wrong.  I don't like weeds,  just the end result and time out in the sunshine.

Our veggie seeds are popping out of the seed raising mix.  I can see new growth each day.  It's like tending to a newborn baby.  I'll have a photo for you next week when they are a little bigger.

We enjoyed babysitting Luka for a day.  We had him outside 'helping' in the garden.  He loves soil and loves to dig.  He says hello to the chickens,  tries to let them out and generally runs from place to place with so much to see and do at Nana and Poppy's place.  He even 'helped' me water the garden.  I've posted a short clip on my Facebook page.

On Wednesday it was our 25th Wedding Anniversary.  We had hoped to be in the Cook Islands but it wasn't to be.  Instead we enjoyed watching our wedding video from start to finish with a grazing platter for lunch.  Darren cooked a lovely dish of salmon,  Paris mash,  green beans and roasted carrots for our dinner.  I set the table as fancy as I could and dug out the candelabra and candles used at our wedding.

I've enjoyed watching lots of Youtube clips on homesteading,  soap making,  bath bombs,  bread making,  gardening and food security / stockpiling.  While I'm watching tv,  I'm knitting a new dish cloth for our kitchen.  Apple green in color - of course.

Here's what else I've been up to

*  Made a half batch of tomato relish.  I used tomatoes and onions I'd frozen earlier this year when I had an abundance. Two jars were sold to a friend within one day.  

*  Picked bok choy from the garden.

*  Turned the heater off during daylight hours most days this week.  The sunshine has bought lovely warmth into our home and I make sure the curtains are fully opened.

*  Made a big batch of pita chips using pita bread that was given to us a while ago ( and I'd frozen ).  We love to make nachos with them or enjoy with a piece of cheese as a savoury snack.

*  Made whole orange cake using an orange from the freezer.  I divided the batter into one loaf pan and three mini pans.  Some cakes went back into the freezer for future eating.  With just the two of us here,  we try not to cook or bake more than we can eat or freeze.

*  Made no knead bread after watching lots of Youtube clips.  It worked out ok but not as crusty or high as seen in the clips.

*  Dried all the washing on the line.  YAY for sunshine again.

*  Fed the compost bin every second day with kitchen scraps.

*  Made ANZAC biscuits using dough from the freezer.  We've enjoyed them out on the deck with a cuppa.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and washing machine rinse water.  This was all poured back into the washing machine.

*  Made lots of sausage rolls using the last of the sausage mince I bought very cheaply over a year ago ( taken from the freezer ).  Some were enjoyed for a lunch and the rest were frozen.  We don't waste anything and we certainly don't gorge ourselves on treat foods.

*  Gratefully received a beautiful grazing box from a friend who couldn't used it.  We enjoyed it for dinner one night and for lunch the next day.

*  Picked a few more lemons from our tree.  There's still quite a bit of fruit growing at all different stages so we'll have lemons for a while.

Broccoli and Bok Choy in the veggie garden

No knead bread

Tomato relish

ANZAC biscuits

Pita chips

Whole orange cake

Anniversary lunch

Anniversary dinner Darren cooked

From our wedding

Homemade sausage rolls

What's growing in your garden ?

What was on your frugal list this week ?



  1. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing your week with us. So many inspiring ideas to try. A veggie garden is something I'd like to try. I would like to start with some tomato plants. If they survive I'll try something else. Lol
    We continued to cook from scratch and watched our water and energy consumption. We had a no spend week and didn't have to get fuel. At a $1.54 a litre I am happy to wait.
    Congratulations on your 25th Wedding Anniversary! We had our wedding anniversary during restrictions too. We treated ourselves to Thai takeaway and enjoyed a DVD. It was lovely to relax and reminisce about the big day. You can make an casino home. Simple pleasures.
    Take care. Rachel :)

    1. Thankyou for your good wishes Rachel. We look at it this way. If we were in the Cook Islands we couldn't watch the wedding dvd or use the candelabra from our wedding. There are always blessings to be grateful for.
      Starting with one veggie is a great way to go with gardening. Add a new veggie each season or year.

  2. This week has been a strange. I have taken mum out for two drives. We have hardly left our suburb since February. I was able to buy 3 kg of strawberries for $10. Some were enjoyed then and there and the rest were made into jam. My family like the jam to have whole berries. I haven't done a huge food shop and I am trying to use up some of the stuff in the house first.

    1. That's a fantastic price for strawberries. They are quite cheap at the moment.

    2. I went to the supermarket to pick up some bread and was there at just right time. I was able to buy a huge amount of vegetables to share with my children. I bought organic produce and it was so heavily discounted. Two kilo bags of potatoes from 21 cents from $7, 1 kilo bags of potatoes from $4 to 12 cents, bring onions from $5 to 15 cents, half a wombok fro 10 cents, a bag of onions was 21 cents, 2 bunches of spinach for 12 cents each, parsley for 15 cents, two bags of chopped up soup veg for 12 cents each and lastly three boxes of soup vegetables for 25 cents from $4.50. So I am happy and I have to make a plan to make sure that the is stuff is used and not wasted. I am also thankful that God has provided us with nutritious food.

  3. love your veg bed, mine is slow due to the constant problem with snails eating the seedlings. I also tried that recipe with the same result as you, I am thinking about increasing the amount of yeast next time I make it.

    1. Have you tried pet friendly snail bait Margaret ? It's usually next to the normal snail bait on the shelf in supermarkets and Bunnings type places. Not as toxic from memory.

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. What wonderful productive week. I feel shamed. But there is next week I thank you for your gentle posts which spark much joy when I read them. Stay safe and here's 🥂 to your next 25years.

    1. Bernie, there is always next week. I have daily and weekly plans for things to make, bake, sew and grow. I don't always complete what I'd like to so I always plan to do it the next week.

      Thankyou for your kind words.

  5. Although you weren't able to go on that longed-for anniversary holiday, Wendy, it sounds (and looks) like you made it as special a day as possible in your home. Your garden produce and baking look great too. At our place:
    * homemade meals including stir fry, risotto, spaghetti bolognese, meatballs and a roast chicken (from whole chicken I had in freezer)
    * used leftover sour cream, when I didn't have any mayo, to make coleslaw dressing
    * picked spring onion and broccoli to add to a stir fry
    * made cheesecake for Fathers' Day tomorrow and only had to purchase thickened cream as had other ingredients already in pantry
    * shopped around and saved $60 on gift for Fathers' Day
    * shopped around and saved $20 on charging cord for our son's computer
    * re-used some silver & black wrapping paper to wrap Fathers' Day gift
    * wrote shopping lists on back of old envelopes, printed on reverse side of paper
    * turned off appliances at wall and stuck to two light rule in evenings


    1. I always enjoy reading your frugal tasks Meg. Your meals sound delicious.

  6. Your photos are beautiful- our 40th was at the start of the pandemic. I was hoping this would all be settled more by now but my town in worse now than ever

    1. Please stay safe Rhonda. Enjoy being at home and count the many blessing you have. I hold onto 2021 being a better year.

  7. I had never heard of "Paris mash", looked it up...sounds delicious; thanks for a new recipe and Happy Anniversary!

    1. Thankyou so much. Darren loves to tinker in the kitchen and try new recipes. I'm the more frugal, traditional cook so we balance each other out.


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