
Saturday 28 November 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 28th November 2020

 This week has been a busy one at the Gower Abundant Cottage.  My cleaning work continues to increase and I'm very grateful for the lovely clients I have.  The rest of my days are filled with sewing to complete a few orders,  gardening ( pulling weeds ),  housework tasks and spending lots of time playing with our grandbabies.  Luka is a bundle of energy and loves to get into everything.  Bryson sits there smiling at his older brother's antics and generally loves to play with anything Luka gives him. 

Here's what else I've been up to -

*  Made a double batch of laundry powder from scratch.  During Winter I blitzed up all the little bars of soap from hotels I'd collected over the years ( and from family ).  I now have 2 small buckets of the soap as powder ready to make laundry powder when I'm running low.

*  Picked another handful of beans from our garden.

*  Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.  The last time I costed out the ingredients it came to about $1.60 for 2 large loaves.  Bread with all these goodies bought from the supermarket would cost over $3 each.

*  Knitted another dish cloth and started on the next one.  I'm making them in Christmas red to go with the hanging towel and tea towels I have in my kitchen at the moment.

*  Altered a dress whose arm holes were too big.  I also altered a top for Megan.

*  Sold a few jars of jam to a friend.  She's put in an order for another 3 jars of raspberry jam.  My favourite and hers.

*  Sold more Christmas and plain colored face masks to a friend.

*  Sold one dozen eggs.

*  Sewed lots of hanging hand towels to get a head start on next Christmas.  Some of these have already sold.  I'm very grateful and blessed to have many return customers.

*  Saved the shower warm up water and poured it into the washing machine.

*  Fed the compost bin every couple of days with kitchen scraps.

*  Dried all washing on the line.

*  Baked some ANZAC biscuits using dough from the freezer


Freshly baked bread

ANZAC biscuits

Raspberry jam

One of the roses Luka gave me for my birthday last month.  At the moment I have it drying in my craft room and plan to put it in a box frame.

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. Hi Wendy. Your bread, biscuits and jam look delicious! I 💜 homemade jams and chutneys. I am up in the far north visiting my mum this week. To keep the cost of travel to a minimum, I chose cheapest flights available, opted for carry-on bags only and did not get a hire car (cost of hire has really gone up a lot). Before I left, I made freezer meals and baked snacks for my family. While home with my mum, I have done some cooking for her. I have made muffins and last night baked a 'mac 'n' cheese zucchini slice' which is a new-to-me recipe. I used up lots of odds and ends from crisper to make roasted veg to go with this slice. We'll be having leftover slice for lunch with salad today. Have a good wek, Wendy. Meg🙂

  2. I would love to know how the flower dries etc. I am happy you are getting some more customers too.

    I am trying hard to save money but it isn't easy. Last weekend my son took me camping which was cheap until we hit Costco! But I do have some treats packed away for Christmas and the cats have bulk food. I always try to keep a water supply and once every six months or so I buy 90 bottles from said shop and they last us well. I am mindful to rotate them. My son also filled our car with fuel that cost $1.01 a litre. I am making sure we eat from home. Eating out soon adds up and with food allergies and intolerances it is not ideal for me. Today we went to the library and I have a small stack of books to see me into the new year. I was also able to order a book I want to read but did not want to spend $35 on.

    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  3. Hi Wendy. Sounds like you had a busy week! Mine included taking the leaves off some herbs I had dried and putting them into jars to use in cooking, walking to a nearby farm to buy eggs, making Christmas decorations with my son, keeping some fitments from an old curtain-rail that myself and my husband replaced for my father-in-law (perfect spares for some of ours, since we can't buy the parts any more), spending some time in the kitchen home baking and also tending to some cuttings that I took from plants in the garden. Have a good week next week. X

  4. You have been very busy in the Gower household. I am glad that the work is picking up for you once more. I am quite envious of you having your Grandies so close. Enjoy every minute you have with them.
    I have been limited to indoor activities and quite often, just the sewing room, during the day. When the wind is blowing towards us we get all the smoke from the Fraser Island bushfire. This has been happening for 6 weeks now. I have finished and posted all my Christmas gifts, the majority of which I made. Most of the items made were from fabric that had been given to me and all the patterns used were old ones.
    Salad is now a daily part of meals with most of the ingredients coming straight out of the garden. I have already picked over 30kg of pumpkins, so pumpkin everything is on the menu.
    The wind is blowing away from Hervey Bay today, so I am off to my Quilting group. I was given a raggy cushion kit by a friend when she was cleaning out her craft room. I think that today I will make this one up. It will be my DIL's Jan 4th Birthday gift.
    I must away to get myself organised for the day.


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