
Saturday 5 December 2020

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 5th December 2020

 Last weekend Darren and I made a great escape from Melbourne to visit beautiful Bendigo about 3 hours away.  It was wonderful to have a mini holiday after enduring such a difficult year.  The weather was warm,  the accommodation was great and we enjoyed time with family and friends.   

 We took supplies with us to make breakfast each morning even though breakfast could be ordered ( at a cost ) at our accommodation.  I like to take my homemade bread to make toast as well as my jam and other spreads.  The wholemeal bread with extra goodness is quite filling which keeps us going for a few hours.

Here's what else we got up to -

*  We packed salad rolls,  nut bars and bottles of water for our trip to Bendigo.  This saved us about $20.

*  Picked beans and strawberries from our garden.

*  Diluted the last of the kitchen detergent in a bottle.  When it comes time to refill our pump bottle,  it will be easier to get all of it out.  Of course I'll be turning the bottle up side down too.

*  Turned the shampoo bottle up side down to get every last drop out when I was refilling the next bottle.

*  Gratefully received bread bags from a cafe.  They have been recycled into bin liners for our bathroom bins.

*  I went op shopping with Megan and the grandbabies. I pick up a cotton doona cover for $3.20 ( including discount ) which will be used for making tea towels for presents.  I also picked up a pair of jeans and 3/4 pants.  Megan had her student card on her which gave us 20% off everything.

*  Darren used our Woolworths fuel discount which gave us petrol for $1.01 a litre.

*  Darren emptied a compost bin and used it in one of the veggie garden beds.

*  Darren and Luka picked all the cherries off our tree.  They were delicious but Luka thought it was fun to squish them.

*  Froze two serves of leftover shepherds pie.

*  Made a conscious effort to turn off or unplug all electronics not in use.   This is something I try to revisit every few months just to make sure we haven't overlooked something.

*  Resisted the urge to go out for morning tea after a cleaning job.  I really felt like a treat but realised I had better food on offer at home and saved us about $15.  We are really good savers so money not spent stays in the bank and is transferred away from our every day account at the end of the month.

*  The heater has been turned off for the last month and we've resisted the urge to turn it on when we get up to a cold morning.  Our evap cooling is only turned on when an electric fan isn't strong enough to cool the room we are in.  We try to be aware of when the curtains need to be opened or closed depending on the temperature of the day.  

*  Saved the shower water and washing machine rinse water.  Water bottles were emptied onto pot plants and the rest of the water went into the washing machine.   

*  Sold more hanging hand towels to a friend.  The rest have been listed on various Facebook pages.  If they don't sell I've made a head start for next Christmas. 

Our lunch for the road

Darren and Luka picking cherries

So much fun with cherries

Home grown

Princess trying to get my attention

Are you harvesting any fruit or veggies from your garden ?

What was on your frugal list this week ?


  1. I am so pleased you were able to have a country escape. Melbournians have had a long and tough year. Your drive to save is inspiring.

    This week I have managed to save a little here and there. I keep telling myself the little bits should add up. I am truly trying to get out of the having nothing leftover syndrome but it is not easy on a pension. I have told mum that I am only topping up for the next weeks. Some very expensive Christmas treats have been added to the cupboard. Some presents have been found and are awaiting wrapping. Mum required some items and these were purchased using a $40 off if you spent $100 at Spotlight. Sadly my access to cheap petrol has finished but I knew that would happen. But the new car uses far less fuel so that bill is less now. I took my granddaughter out for a very inexpensive trip to view the Christmas windows at a very quiet shopping centre during a quiet time. It was magic to watch her reactions to the pretty scenes.

    God bless and have a wonderful week.


  2. We have 5 grandchildren and pop $'s into their bank accounts for Birthday and Xmas. We also give a small gift for under the tree.
    With ages varying from 15 years to 6 months it takes a lot of doing and thinking...but no more.
    I have decided from now on to make it ONE themed gift and practical.
    The older kids are minimalists and the younger ones like to get what the older ones get.
    I arranged all my flybuys and rewards dollars and used them .
    This year it is PJs. They can open them all at one time and if they have a 2nd pair well that is fine because spare pjs are always handy.

    This gift buying was so much easier in the summer heat and when we are asked to lessen our mixing with others.
    I will definitely use this 1 theme idea again.

  3. Frugally: Made turkey noodle soup from homemade stock. Used some wrinkled apples in 2 pies. Eating up leftovers or freezing for the future.
    Bought a Frozen bed roll from a friend for only $8. It will be a bday gift for GD#4.
    I bought a bookstore gift card as a fund-raiser and will be giving it to my mom for Christmas. She lives in a tiny apartment and doesn't need much but she will enjoy something new to read.


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