Wednesday 17 July 2024

Cost Of Living Crisis Series - How To Make Your Clothes Last Longer ( Part 2 )

 Following on from last week's post,  here are another 7 tips to get the most wear out of your clothes and help them stay fresh for longer -

*  To prevent your clothes from fading in the Summer heat,  dry them on a clothes horse in the shade,  or if you have room,  in the garage.

*  Not everything can be thrown into the dryer.  If you are struggling to get your washing dry,  use your dryer for socks,  underwears and pjs.  Hang large,  heavy items like jeans and jumpers on coathangers and hang them on the shower rail or door frames.  Everything else can be hung on clothes horses.

*  To prevent heavy clothes drying out of shape,  hang them on padded coat hangers.  This is great for jumpers,  dresses and delicate items.

*  Most of us don't have time to hand wash delicate clothes.  In our home,  if it looks fancy or delicate,  it gets put into a linen / delicates bag and put in the washing machine with the appropriate colors.  

*  Don't leave wet washing in the washing machine,  dryer or the laundry basket for too long.  Damp clothes will start to smell terrible and that smell can be hard to get rid of.  It's also a great way for mould to grow.  I had a cleaning client who left wet washing in her dryer all day and let me tell you,  it smelt bad.  They did the same thing with their sheets.  When I'd change the sheets on their bed,  the ' clean ' ones did not smell clean at all.

*  Save your older clothes for gardening,  cleaning and slopping around the house.  How many of you have ruined a good piece of clothing by accidently getting a little bit of bleach on it ?  Or got a grass stain on a good pair of jeans when the weeds outside were calling you ?

*  Mend a small hole or rip as soon as possible.  Remember the saying '  A stitch in time saves nine '.

How To Make Your Clothes Last Longer - Part 1

The cheap way to dry clothes.

Have you used delicates bags in your washing machine ?


  1. Yes, I use my delicates bags all the time, even for jumpers that are likely to pill.

    I have often seen the advice to add towels to a dryer load to dry the laundry more quickly. That may be so, but it will also ruin your clothes more quickly, because the towels work like sandpaper!

  2. Hello Wendy! We have several clothes dryers indoors that we use to dry all delicates and all of my husband's athletic attire. When my kids were home, I had an outdoor clothes line system.

  3. I always use the delicates bags for flimsy items. Also, if something is particularly nasty, I use my Enjo bag for the first wash, dry it, then wash it again in my next wash. This means it doesn't make my other clothes dirty. I don't have a dryer so if the weather is bad (like today), I just put everything on the clothes horse in front of our wood fire (3' away) rotating as necessary.

  4. I was trying to find the trick about the queen size sheet over the washing line?🤔 pegged at the ends?


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