Sunday 9 June 2024

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 8th June 2024

It's been one of those weeks where I haven't done a lot frugal - wise.  Yes the housework has been done,  I've been to work,  done a little gardening and cooked and baked.  

Many of the frugal things I do are just second nature and I don't think twice about them.  I save a little water here and there,  use up leftovers,  turn the lights off when I leave the room and reuse anything I can.

Here is my very short frugal list for the week -

*  I made 2 batches of muesli bars.  One had chopped nuts in it and the other had more cereals and fruit.  Both turned out beautifully and we are both enjoying them.

*  I juiced and zested the last of the free lemons.  Both the zest and juice has been frozen for future cooking,  baking and cordial making.

*  I mended 2 more pairs of Darren's favourite character socks.  I'm trying to keep them going for as long as possible because Luka and Bryson love to see Poppy wearing them.

*  I dried some flowers from an arrangement Darren took home from a charity event.  If they dry nicely the plan it to put them in a vase / jug with some artificial flowers I already have on display.

*  I cleaned the kettle with citric acid.  I also cleaned my clients kettles too.  

*  I cleaned the dishwasher filters and gave the dishwasher a good cleanout on a long hot cycle with vinegar and bi carb.

*  I made up a bottle of surface spray using cooled boiled water and dishwashing liquid.  I use this to clean my whole kitchen and the bathrooms.

*  I cleaned both the ovens using magic erasers and dishwashing liquid.  

*  I gratefully received more free lemons.

*  I picked silverbeet from our garden for a couple of meals.

Lots of pantry staples

Growing potatoes in Winter

Homemade muesli bars

Our mandirins will be ready to pick soon.

How have you saved money this week ?

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