Saturday 19 October 2024

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 19th October 2024

 Well,  it certainly has been an eventful week.  Saturday and Sunday was busy getting my kitchen and notes ready for the Sunrise tv segment on Monday.  I was up at 5am Monday morning to put the extra layers of makeup on.  The cameraman arrived at 6.45am so my goal was to be ready by then.  We filmed at 7.45am and by 8am the cameraman was packing up ready to go to his next job.  I handed him a muesli bar for his breakfast ( he hadn't had any ) and he said it was really,  really good.

After all the excitement I needed a cuppa and muesli bar to calm down.  I hadn't had much breakfast earlier because I was too nervous to eat.  Then I headed out to do my monthly grocery shop.  By the  afternoon I was snoozing in my recliner chair.

Thankyou to everyone who messaged me,  prayed and left lovely comments.  Live tv is quite scary.  There are no second takes.

For those who are new here - WELCOME  !!!  I hope this blog encourages you to find ways to stretch your budget and save some money.  All the recipes,  photos and articles are my own except for 2 - 3 recipes.  They have been shared with permission by the original owners.  Nothing has ever been made up or copied to gain a few extra likes or comments.  

Here's how we saved money this week -

*  Darren filled up the thermos each morning with boiled water from the kettle.  We use it throughout the day for our cuppas or cooking at dinnertime.

*  I picked lots of the new Spring growth from our rosemary bush.  I'm drying it in paper bags that I hang up for 6 - 8 weeks.  The paper bags keep the dust off yet allows the rosemary to breathe.

*  I purchased a mirror for our bedroom from Savers for $15.  I'm in the process of painting it and I'll show a photo when it's finished.  I've been wanting and looking for a mirror for the last 5 years and they are either way too expensive or not the right size.  This one fits both criteria.

*  I baked cranberry hootycreek biscuits and choc chip biscuits using dough I'd frozen previously.  We've enjoyed these for our work morning teas.

*  When I was out doing the monthly grocery shopping on Monday,  I found a bag of mushrooms on the clearance table at our local fruit and veg shop.  They looked really good too.  The bag was $1.79 and weighed almost 500g.  That's a pretty good bargain considering mushrooms are well over $10 a kilo in the supermarkets.

*  I dehydrated some fruit for one of Darren's co workers.  They paid me for doing this.

*  Our savoury snack jars were looking a little low so I made pita chips using pita bread from the freezer.

*  I made a bottle of surface spray using water from the kettle and a dash of dishwashing liquid.

*  We picked silverbeet,  lemons and lettuce from our garden.

*  All the washing was dried on the line outside.  It was wonderful to have a fresh outdoor scent through our clothes.

*  I made a bottle of Miracle Spray for laundry stains.

*  We saved the shower warm up water and used it on all the pot plants outside.  We saved so much water I started using it on the veggie garden too.

*  I'd had a few inquires about my handmade soap.  So it was time to make a few batches so they have time to cure and harden before Christmas. I'll post photos next week when I've cut the bars.


Muesli Bars

Miracle Spray

Cranberry Hootycreek Biscuits

Choc Chip Bickies ( Cookies )

Pita Chips

Freshly picked rosemary

From our garden

Making Miracle Spray

Making pita chips 

How have you saved time,  money or energy this week ? 


  1. You've had an exciting week, Wendy! The flowers from your garden look beautiful. I have gardenias beginning to bloom here.
    At our place this week:
    * made double batch of oat and choc chip bars and some honey crackles.
    * had hummus, carrot sticks and walnuts for snacks too
    * had breakfast for dinner one night with scrambled eggs, toast and baked beans
    * made a quick apple and mulberry crumble from stewed apple and homegrown mulberries I had in freezer - we had this for dessert 3 nights with yoghurt.
    * Boiled 4 eggs to have in fridge to use with salads for lunches
    * used 7Eleven fuel lock for petrol price of $1.63. Price at bowsers here up around $1.80 now so this will save $ when we need to fill up car.
    * stamped some plain brown paper to make gift wrap and tied with ribbon I already had.
    * strained lemony vinegar that I've had steeping in jar in fridge - I put lemon peel (no chemicals) in jar with cheap vinegar. This makes freshly-scented spray for cleaning.
    It's going to be a warm week here so I am planning meals around homemade salads. Enjoy your week!

  2. Congratulations Wendy on a great week for you! Your segment on Sunrise was wonderful and you shared lots of information in that time. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and knowledge through your blog too - it's inspiring, interesting and informative and I have referred to your posts / recipes for years!
    Many thanks, Amanda

  3. I went to the reject store and bought 1litre bottle of refill foaming handwash for $4.50 filled 2 bottles which will last a year for me, powdered dishwasher detergent $4.75, much cheaper than gel satchels . I have also started using bread bags and paper bags accumulated from shopping to use as garbage bags in the kitchen .
    Thank you Wendy


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