Saturday 16 February 2019

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 16th February 2019

My frugal list is a little shorter this week.  I'm not sure what filled my days other than work and cleaning my home.  I did manage to rest a little and enjoyed a few Netflix shows.  I'm one of those people who loves any show that features de cluttering,  organisation,  hoarding and cleaning.  I'm always inspired to make my home a little cleaner or more organised.

Here's what else I managed to do when Netflix was turned off -

*  Refilled the dishwashing liquid pumps and diluted it by 30%.

*  Bought more replacement mop heads online with a 20% discount and free shipping.  I've been using the Vileda UltraMax mop and bucket system for 5 years in my home and a few more years at a couple of cleaning jobs.  It has a big microfibre head on it that gets the mopping done very quickly. It also came with a dry mop head which is fabulous to whiz around on the bamboo floors and picks up any dirty,  dust and hairs.  The mop heads last a couple of years with weekly mopping.

*  Made a big batch of mini quiches for Megan's baby shower.  They have been frozen ahead of time.  The eggs came from our chickens, and the tomatoes and silverbeet from our garden.  Not quite a free snack but very cheap indeed.

*  Made a very big lasagne using frozen tomatoes ( from last Summer ).  Darren,  Jessica and I ate a portion for dinner that night and the other 9  single serves went into the freezer.  Lasagne is one of the most labour intensive meals I make,  so when I make it,  it is rationed out over a few months.

*  Darren and I decided against going out for a Valentine's Day dinner.  I'm not a fan of noisy,  crowded restaurants and preferred to spend time with Darren at home.  I did buy a few treats from the supermarket and served up a couple of grazing platters for our dinner.  It was so scrumptious and we were very full.  The leftovers became out lunch yesterday when we were out cleaning.  We probably saved $80 by eating at home.

*  Saved tissue paper that was wrapped around a few items Jessica gave me.  I've got quite a stockpile of tissue paper and I'm making a real effort to reuse it when giving gifts.  I no longer buy gift bags,  wrapping paper or tissue paper by reusing what comes into our home.

*  Decluttered almost 70 items from my kitchen.  I had a bagful for Megan to have and the rest was going to Savers.  Megan pretty much loved everything I was getting rid of and I was left with two plates to take to Savers at some point in the future.  Not a saving for me but a saving for Megan..

*  Gave Jessica a haircut.

*  Bought a couple of  small trays of lamb chops on clearance at Coles.  They were 50% off and the per kilo price came down to $7 kg.  We love lamb chops but their extremely high price has prevented us from having them for almost a year.

*  Ate leftovers from the freezer a couple of nights.  Great for easy dinners when our days have been busy and avoided the takeaway urge.

*  Jessica picked up some discounted Australia Day goodies for 20 cents each.  Darren was thrilled.  He loves anything Aussie.

Jessica's bargains

Valentine's Day savoury platter

Valentine's Day dessert platter

Lasagne for the freezer

For the baby shower

How did you save money this week ?
Do you have a favourite Netflix show ?


  1. Your platters look delicious. Much nicer to be at home.

    1. Thankyou. We were very full and couldn't finish them.

  2. Debby in Kansas, USA16 February 2019 at 09:19

    Wendy, I love your Valentine's platters! What a wonderful idea. My husband would love that, especially the chocolate and I'd have to hide it until after he ate the other! I just never think of doing that for home. I've done it for potlucks or parties and I always enjoy it so I can't imagine why! What is in the little ramekins? And, is that ham & sausage?

    Can you do a little post about Australia Day? When it is, what it celebrates, etc.? I know I can look it up, but it'd be more fun to hear it from you.

    On a funny note, I read your "small tray of lamb chops" as "small TRAVEL lamb chops" and was trying to imagine individually packaged little chops you could munch while driving!! This is why I wear reading glasses lol.

    Bitter cold here in the middle of tornado alley. We woke up to blowing sleet this morning. I have a big pot of Mexican cheese soup simmering in the crockpot. It should warm up our cold bones.

    Enjoy your weekend! Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's ham and kabana. In the ramekin is tinned red salmon that needed using up that night. On the fruit platter there are blueberries in the ramekin

  3. Hi Wendy, Liz here from WA. How I wish I could get Netflix here on the farm, but not to be. I do get to watch it at my son's place in Perth and my favourite show would be 'The Crown'. My son bought me the dvd's for Christmas and I had a lovely time binge watching.
    I do some domestic assistance along with personal care and social support with my job, just floors and bathrooms that the elderly can't manage, and I'm pretty sure the mop you bought is the one my employer recommends the clients to provide. As we can't leave a client until the wet floor is dry for safety, the dry mop is great to follow up the wet mop!
    Some of my frugal tasks this week -
    We have been eating a lot of home grown lamb since putting a beast in the freezer last weekend. Roast, chops x2 meals and a lovely Rogan Josh lamb and spinach curry using the forequarter chops diced.
    I've made a few batches of tomato pasta sauce in the slow cooker using home grown tomatoes.
    Bought a car on Tuesday and talked the man down on price and got a good deal plus its regoed till August saving some money. I rang the insurance company to insure it and because we wrote off our 4WD in January, they just added the new car onto the old policy which was paid up till September, giving me 'free' insurance until September. Saved about $250 plus they refunded $40 difference! Made my day!
    Harvesting lots of veggies from the garden so haven't had to buy any salad or veggies for a long time now.
    Did the washing with home made washing powder and line dried.
    Stayed away from the shop's this past week and no money spent (except the car :) ) Have a great week everyone!

    1. Liz, we love The Crown too. Season 3 is being made. Home grown tomatoes are so yummy. We still have heaps in the freezer from last season.

  4. Wendy your platters look divine and we did similar here at Christmas time when we had just moved into our home as we were so tired after moving in. They are filling and easy to prepare and sometimes that is what is needed is to just have a break. Your home cooking looks divine too.

    Our savings last week added up to $348 :).

    Blessings -

    - We were gifted 3 dozen eggs from a friend who had to many.
    - Another friend gave me quite a few figs from her tree as she had to many. They have been my fruit for most of the week.

    In the kitchen -

    - Made a cheesecake with cream cheese purchased on special and lemon juice we froze from gifted lemons saving us $69.48 over purchasing one of equivalent quality in the shops.

    House organisation and maintenance -

    - DH replaced flyscreen in a door and window and removed chicken wire from a garden bed we are removing saving $125 over hiring a tradesman to do it for us.He has saved the wire and tie wire to use for other projects around the home.
    - I cleaned half of the homes glass windows and doors inside and out.

    Sewing -

    - I made 4 bread bags which I listed in my eBay store for sale.

    Earnings and finances -

    - I earned $34.38 from the sale of 2 bread bags in my eBay store.
    - DH earned $50 from a paid mowing job he got.
    - We paid off another extra part payment off our home mortgage.
    - Listed 28 homemade items on eBay on a free listing and final auction value fee promotion saving $46.20 on usual listing fees. I sold 2 of these items and got no final auction value fee which was another great savings.

    Purchases -

    - Purchased 50 disposable lighters for use around the home and some for storage saving us $61.60 over buying them in the local stores singularly.
    - Purchased needed fabrics for the sewing room and enough curtain fabric to make 2 rooms of curtains to replace blinds that don't work. These were all on a 40% off sale saving in total $45.72 on usual prices.

    Have a wonderfully frugal week ahead everyone :).

    Sewingcreations15 (Lorna).

    1. Free eggs are a blessing Lorna. There are so many things you can make and bake with them. Enjoy.

      Well done on the bread bag sales as well as the ebay listings.

  5. What are the home-making shows you watch on Netflix?

    1. Consumed, Tidying Up, Cheapest Weddings and there's one about hoarders.

  6. I never feel like I have managed to save much money. I guess the every day things add up. Your stories inspire me. Thank you.

    1. Sometimes our thrifty ways become an everyday task that we don't think of it as saving. Cooking a meal at home saves money.

    2. I battle hoarding and hate cleaning. I am just not blessed with an ability to clean. I try. But frugal ways are ingrained. I wash big loads, hang washing, make sure the dishwasher is full and shop so hard it hurts. I think I am not great at saying I am doing a good job. I do my best.

  7. Saved money on Valentines Day by eating at home and giving each other used goods as presents. The price tag on one of the CDS i gave my partner was $27 i bought it in mint condition for $2. I bought chicken from Coles and cut into pieces. We ate out of the freezer keeping our grocery shopping to the bare minimum. I cashed in survey points for a coles voucher. Froze leftover vegies instead of wasting them. Filled my hair shampoo pump bottle and diluted it by half. Drinking cordial or lemon water and making up cold herbal teas instead od buying soft drinks. Beautiful weather today and washing drying on the line. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend Leanne.

    1. I've become a huge fan of giving used items as gifts. Like you, I always make sure they are in mint condition. We gave lots of dvds to our daughter for Christmas to build their collections of classic movies.

  8. Wendy the food all looks lovely and how exciting having a baby shower! Jessica can spot a good bargain! That was amazing! I hope your new week is off to a good start! xxx


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