* Gratefully received a small bag of home grown capsicums. I've chopped them and frozen to use in casseroles.
* Fed the chickens lots of weeds from the veggie garden.
* Saved a few glass jars from condiments in the fridge. They will be reused later in the year for jam and relish.
* Made lots of cards at the Cheapskates card making weekend. I used supplies I had on hand so there was no extra cost.
* For three days running I kept the heater off and the curtains open when the sun was shining.
* Bought 3 Winter tops at the Savers 50% off sale.
* Baked four loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.
* Pruned the fruit trees and bushes. I'm hoping this will promote healthier growth and more fruit.
* Gratefully received lots of 30 x 30 card stock from a friend.
* Baked an orange cake using pureed orange from the freezer.
* Gratefully received some bread bags. I used these to line the bathroom bins.
* Jessica and I filled up our cars with petrol at $1.14 per litre just as it started going up to $151.9 per litre.
* Sold one dozen eggs.
* Fed the worm farm with veggie peelings.
* Saved the pink plastic and display box from my Mother's Day flowers. The flowers lasted 13 days from the time Jessica bought them.
* Wrote a menu plan for the next three weeks or so.
* Sorted out my craft ribbons into same colors and stored them in snap lock bags. This has given me a little room in my craft cupboard which is quite small. Hopefully this organisation with lead to more ribbon being used instead of hoarded.
* Darren picked the last of the iceberg roses on the bush.
Iceberg roses from the garden |
Me trying to be artistic. |
Potato plants grown from eyes. |
Apricot tree changing color |
Cards I made for charity |
Cheapskate card making weekend results from the ladies. |