Saturday, 13 April 2024

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 13th April 2024

This week has been a busy one for both Darren and I.  I've had a few big cleaning jobs and we're in the process of selling a car.  

AND -  I bought a new car. !!!  After 6 years of saving and 22 months of waiting for my car to be made and delivered,  I'm now the proud owner of a brand new Toyota Corolla.  This car is so new that when I test drove a Corolla 22 months ago I was told that I'd be getting the upgraded version.  No photos were available,  no specifics about the new features,  no idea of the NEW price and,  the new model has not been available to test drive since I ordered it in June 2022.  

So on Tuesday I went in to pick up my car and also to test drive it.  It has whiz bang features ( in my eyes ) some of which I'll never understand or work out how to use.  But it does run smoothly and there's nothing like the new car feeling.

I'm now 54 and this is only the third car I've ever owned.  My first car was 28 years old when I traded it in for $100( plus a bonus plasma tv ) and bought a new Camry in 2008.  This car still runs fantastically so Darren will now be driving it.  

I've never had a car loan.  Darren and I just work out when we think we'll need a new car and start saving for it.  It's been a part of our budget every month since 2012.  Next month we'll start saving for when the Camry needs replacing.

Here are the few ways we saved money this week -

*  I picked a handful of feijoas each day that had fallen from our tree.  Feijoas would have to be my all time favourite fruit and a wonderful childhood memory of my grandparents growing them too.

*  I baked wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  I've written a menu plan for the next 5 weeks.  I made sure to use some of the meals already cooked and frozen as well as other meats that need rotating in the freezer.

*  I filled up our compost bucket every couple of days.  Darren empties it into our compost bin outside.

*  Saved water in the kitchen and used it to water our pot plants outside.

*  I picked a handful of beans and lots of pears from our garden.

*  I baked rolls for Darren's work lunches.

*  We've been using up some hotel bottles of shampoo,  conditioner and shower gel.

*  I spent time online looking for the best deal on car insurance.  I saved $100 on the offer Toyota gave me plus another $100 approx in grocery savings by taking out insurance with Woolworths.

A few weeks ago Darren and I went to the Melbourne Flower Show.  I've included a few photos below of some of the gorgeous displays.

                                                                       My new car.

How did you save time,  money or energy this week ?


  1. Well done on your new car. Enjoy the fruit of your labour.
    The flower show looked amazing.
    Janine Colac

  2. Congratulations on your new car. Well saved and earned. Camrys never seem to die, they’re great long lasting cars. Corolla the same.

  3. Very nice car. Some of the flower exhibits are amazing.

  4. Oh, those flowers are stunning, Wendy. What a lovely day out that would have been. It must've been a great day too when you finally got your new car that you saved and waited for.
    It's been a very quiet school holidays here; we've enjoyed being around home:
    * planted out my veg patch with seedlings
    * potted up some pansies and violas too for Winter joy
    * made a big dish of meatless shepherds pie using tinned lentils and chickpeas
    - froze portions for meals during busy work week
    * baked a sweet potato chocolate cake and used up four overripe bananas in a banana cake - froze for future afternoon teas
    * refilled foaming handwash bottles with diluted solution
    * bought some rolls of paper towels for half price at the supermarket
    * gifted a frangipani cutting to a dear friend - potted this up in a pot I already had
    * watched a show I enjoy on ABC iview for free
    Have a lovely week!

  5. Health to drive your beautiful new ๐Ÿš— (as we say here Wendy)
    Thank you as always for all your helpful tips and advice. I look forward to every post.
    God bless

  6. Hello Wendy,
    Congratulations ๐ŸŽŠ on your new car cash purchase! This is truly a blessing. I have been very busy this month Spring
    Cleaning and expanding my vegetable and flower garden. I My goal is to continue growing 90% or more of the fruit and produce we consume. I am growing all of my plants from seed. Truly a big savings. The flower show photos are beautiful. Have a blessed week everyone!❤️

  7. Congratulations on your new car! How exciting and even better, it is paid for! Hilogene in Az

  8. congrats on your gorgeous new car ... the red is spectacular. And as a new reader I was hoping you'd publish a pic of Darren, and voila! there he is. What a handsome couple you make!

  9. Congratulations Wendy on your new car. It looks amazing and I’m sure will be worth the wait!!! Well done.
    The flower photos look wonderful. I’d love to go next year.

  10. Congratulations on your well deserved new car. My husband always says red cars go faster๐Ÿ˜‚.Thank you it sparked a conversation about opening a special account to save for a next car, or even major unexpected repairs, to save taking it out of our other emergency funds. We also went to the garden show after an absence of many years. I loved the flower hall and your photos show how amazing it was Everywhere was enjoyable but we felt not as big as we remembered. Have a lovely week, playing with your new car

  11. That car is so pretty! Well done

  12. Congratulations on the new car. Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration. Pauline

  13. Congratulations on buying your new car,gorgeous,such lovely photos,love reading your Blog,๐Ÿ’•

  14. Congratulations on your efforts, love the car and the colour๐Ÿ˜Š

  15. Red!! So shiny. You must be pinching yourself. Congratulations! We are a three Toyota car family and never had any issues.


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