Monday 18 July 2016

Another 5 Ways To Reuse Bread Bags

With all these uses for bread bags,  you'll never throw one out again.  Here are another 5 ways to get the most out of your bread bags -

*  Place a bread bag over a garden pot to use as a mini hot house.  This will aid in seed germination during the cooler months.  Make sure you secure the bag with string,  a rubber band or if your really thrifty,  cut up your old socks into garden ties.

*  Pack a bread bag when your kids go to the beach or have swimming lessons.  They are the perfect size for storing wet bathers.

*  When walking your dog,  bring a bread bag to pick up the doggie waste.

*  When you are travelling,  use a bread bag to store your shampoo and conditioner bottles in.  There's nothing worse than arriving at your destination,  opening your toiletry bag and finding a leakage.  Has anyone tried to mop up shampoo ?  It takes forever.

*  Bread bags can be used to keep a bandage or wound dry when having a shower.


  1. Hi Wendy,

    Great idea about using the bread bags for the shampoo as my roll on deodorant when I unpacked last night from the weekend, had leaked into my toiletries bag, yuk.... I'll be using a bread bag next time, Thanks

  2. Clever ideas Wendy! I don't think I'd thought of any of those before now. Love, Mimi xxx

  3. Amazing - your bread bag ideas are endless!!

  4. Yes ! I'm definitely doing this when I go travelling again. Last time I went to the USA I got Randomly picked to have my bag inspected. Shampoo on all clothes with just a sorry note from homeland security. I know sadly they need to do this but next time will need your advice ! I have now been to the USA so often things like shampoo are so cheap I just buy it there and leave it there no hassle then in small packs. Same with detergent travelling or washing up liquid . Brilliant Wendy. I also go into hospital a lot for chronic lung disease great for dirty smalls!

  5. Yes ! I'm definitely doing this when I go travelling again. Last time I went to the USA I got Randomly picked to have my bag inspected. Shampoo on all clothes with just a sorry note from homeland security. I know sadly they need to do this but next time will need your advice ! I have now been to the USA so often things like shampoo are so cheap I just buy it there and leave it there no hassle then in small packs. Same with detergent travelling or washing up liquid . Brilliant Wendy. I also go into hospital a lot for chronic lung disease great for dirty smalls! Sonia


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