Wednesday, 14 June 2023

What's Stinking Up Your Home ? Part 2

Following on from last week's post,  here are another 6 areas that can get on the nose and ways to deal with them. 

*  Linen cupboard.  Linens stored for too long end up with a stale smell.  Try adding soaps between linens,  using scented drawer liners or rotating linens often.

*  Kitchen sink.  Rotting food would be the biggest culprit of smelly drains.  Please don't wash your food down the sink.  The bi carb,  vinegar and boiling water trick sort of works but doesn't kill the bacteria.  Pour a little bit of bleach down the plug hole and let it sit there for at least 10 minutes.  Wash away with cold water.

*  Pet bedding.  Wash your pet's bed every week or have a variety of blankets or towels to line the bed with.  Washing the towels might be easier in Winter.  Also,  don't forget to wash your dog often.  I know it's common sense but I've been around many smelly dogs in people's homes and the owners usually can't smell it.

*  Kitty litter.  When we had Princess,  we always kept the kitty litter in the laundry,  out of the way.  We changed the litter once a week and scooped the mess out every day.  Sprinkling a little bi carb helped with odours and putting the litter in the sun also helped to dry it out.  It doesn't matter what kitty litter you use,  they all smell and need to be cleaned out often.

*  Vacuum cleaner.  Household smells are absorbed by the vacuum cleaner and blown out the exhaust / air outlet.  Dog smells would have to be the worst offenders.  If you can,  switch to a bagless vacuum cleaner or empty the cloth / paper bag often.  I have a $79 Kmart bagless vacuum cleaner and the suction is better than what my Dyson was.

*  Stale smelling bedrooms.  This could happen for a variety of reasons.  People spending too much time in the room with the door closed,  not enough ventilation,  consuming food,  dirty plates,  overflowing rubbish bins,  dirty linens,  piles of dirty clothes.  The list could go on.  Keeping the door wide open and a window opened a little will really help the situation.  If the air is not free flowing then mould and bacteria in the soft furnishings will build up.

How do you deal with these smells in your home ?


  1. Thank you for another helpful post!

  2. Good morning Wendy. This is a great topic. I find you need to clean the seals and filter on the dishwasher to keep it smelling fresh and also in our south facing bedroom, paying more attention to our windows as they get musty and a bit of black mound very quickly at this time of year. Hope you are staying warm, resting up and feeling yourself again.

  3. I’ve enjoyed this series Wendy, I agree a clean home should smell like nothing! I can’t stand overly scented homes with automatic spray scents or plug ins, they actually give me a headache. On the other hand musty, doggy or rubbish smells are a real turn off!

    From Cheryl


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