Saturday 12 October 2024

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 12th October 2024

 This week seems to have flown by so quickly.  The family came over on Sunday for a belated birthday gathering.  Luka and Bryson ( our grandchildren ) brought over party hats and balloons because a birthday is not a birthday without them.  Luka was very quick to point out that most of the balloons were green - my favourite color.

I've tried to get into the veggie garden as often as possible to get rid of the weeds that have popped up with the warmth.  I'm happy to say I'm winning the battle.  My goal has been to pull out at least 100 weeds a day.  They are not big weeds.  Just babies really.

Here's how we saved money this week - 

*  I dried all the washing on clothes horses over ducted heating vents and outside on the line.

*  We saved the shower warm up water and used it to water the plants outside.

*  I planted lots of green bean seeds out in the veggie garden.  I also planted Luffa seeds.  Hopefully this year we get a long hot Summer so that they grow to maturity.

*  I used our own compost on the veggie garden as extra nutrients when planting the seeds. 

*  Darren picked a bunch of beautiful hot pink roses from our garden.  Their scent is lovely and strong and fills our home.

*   The  pedestal fans we use during Summer are starting to get a little rickety and have always had me worried when the grandchildren come over.  It's so easy for them to put their fingers through the grill.  After doing some research over Winter,  we went and purchased a tower fan from The Good Guys.  Their price was $179.  I found a cheaper online price for $149 which they agreed to match.  We added on the Gold Service extended warranty for an extra $35 which gives us a total of $180 in store credit over 3 years.  To top that off,  we already had $60 in store credit to use on the fan.  I know its confusing but in the end we only paid $124 for the fan but the total value in product and credit is $359.  BARGAIN.  We use the store credit throughout the years to purchase gifts for family.

*  I made Christmas cards from gift tags and birthday cards from old cards given to me.

*  I baked three loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.

*  We picked silverbeet,  lettuce and a few lemons from our garden.  I also dug up just over 2 kilos of potatoes.

*  We had a few good sunny days that helped us charge the solar lanterns for night time use.

*  Darren had a work morning tea / afternoon tea at the hospital he works at.  Everyone brings something to share so I made a batch of scones.  Darren picked out a jar of homemade jam from the cupboard and we had a little bit of cream left in the fridge.   He said the scones went like hot cakes and some of the staff were fighting over the last one.  The scones cost well under $1 to make,  the jam is 15 cents per jar and the cream did need using up but the amount used cost under $1.       



Wholemeal Bread With Extra Goodness

Flowers Darren picked

Recycled birthday cards

Gift tag Christmas cards

Homemade bread

Silverbeet plants that keep on giving

Freshly baked scones

Please check my Facebook pages tomorrow ( Sunday ) for a tv appearance announcement .

How have you saved money this week ?


  1. Good morning
    I love reading your tips
    Always inspiring
    For us a week looks very similar
    I wash during the day to take advantage of solar power
    Hang washing outside always
    Bake our bread and treats
    Shop for salad from our garden
    Meal plan
    Currently making wrapping paper from the paper supermarket bags
    Also making most of my Christmas gifts
    It takes thought and planning to be frugal 😀

  2. Fiona
    I used to make cards too. But now living in a caravan, we have to live without a lot due to weight and space constraints. I miss my garden SO much too.

  3. Your belated birthday celebration with your family sounds lovely, Wendy, and I can imagine the scent of those roses from your garden. We have had storms and rain here during the week so, as it's sunny here today, the line is full of washing! Other frugal things from our week:
    * made brown rice and roast pumpkin salad with feta and a coleslaw with yoghurt dressing which made for some easy meals during the week.
    * packed our lunches and water bottles every day
    * gratefully received a dozen eggs from a friend - they'll be used to make quiches with silverbeet from the garden.
    * found four lengths of gold and green ribbons along a walking track - untangled them, washed and hung them over one of my clothing racks to dry. Perfectly reusable!
    * read library books and watched a show on ABC ivew - free entertainment!
    * my husband trimmed my hair for me.
    * our tanks collected rainwater from the storms we had, they are full again now.
    Have a lovely week!

  4. Hi Wendy love your updates. What do you do with all your silverbeet?

  5. Happy Belated Birthday. Your roses are beautiful.

  6. We must be cut from the same cloth Wendy, I play the 100 weeds game too LOL!

    Can’t wait to find out about your TV appearance!!

    From Cheryl 💜


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