Saturday 5 October 2024

This Week's Frugal Tasks Saturday 5th October 2024

 It looks like the weather has turned here in Melbourne.  We've had a few days of 25 degrees Celsius ( 77 Fahrenheit ) with the nights and early mornings still being a little cool.  I've enjoyed being out in the garden even if it was to pull out hundreds of weeds each day in the veggie garden or to just water the plants.  With the sun shining for longer periods and the warmth,  the weeds have decided to pop up and say hello.

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I'd had a photo shoot with a major Australian magazine.  This week my family's story featured in a 2 page spread in Woman's Day.  If you are interested in purchasing this magazine,  it will be available in supermarkets and newsagents until this Sunday.  I have posted a photo on my Facebook pages too.  As far as I'm aware,  Woman's Day will be doing a Facebook promo with a link in a few weeks time. 

Here's how I saved money this week -

*  I cleaned the inside of our kettle with citric acid.  I do this at the start of every month and it always amazes me how clean it comes up.

*  I baked 3 loaves of wholemeal bread with extra goodness.  I store it in the freezer and use recycled bread bags to store it in.  These bags get used over and over again.

*  I made a double batch of muesli bars for our work lunches.

*  I dried all the washing on the line outside on the warm days.  On the cooler days the washing went on clothes horses over the ducted heating vents.

*  I sold 2 unwanted items on Marketplace.

*  I found 6 volunteer sugar snap pea seedlings growing in our veggie garden.  I dug them up and planted them with the other sugar snap pea seedlings.  They must have self seeded from last season.  At least I hope they are snap peas.  Darren said they could be sweet peas.  I'll give you an update in a few weeks.

*  We charged the solar lanterns on the sunny days and bought them inside at night to light up our loungeroom.

*  We saved the shower warm up water and poured it on some plants outside.

*  For my birthday on Tuesday,  I chose to have dinner at home.  We had salmon over mashed potato with a side salad and lemon.  For dessert we had a quarter of a cheesecake from The Cheesecake Shop  for dessert.  This dinner was much nicer,  cheaper and quieter than going to a restaurant.

*  I picked a few lemons off our tree.

*  We gratefully received some vegetables which I turned into a pot of soup.  From that pot I got 10 generous serves.  Most will be for my work lunches but we did have some for dinner one night with homemade herb and garlic bread.

*  I cleaned the dishwasher with bi carb and vinegar.  I wiped around the door seals with kitchen detergent and water.

*  I made up a bottle of surface spray with cooled water from the kettle and a dash of dishwashing liquid.

*  I dehydrated quite a few lemons ( for Summer drinks ) and mandarins ( for snacking ).  

Gifted lemons

Filling the dehydrator with lemons and mandarins

In the garden.

How have you saved money this week ?

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