Monday 30 November 2015

Stockpiling For Summer And The Holidays

As you probably know,  I love having a stockpile.  It comes in handy for many,  many reasons.

Last year,  Cath from The Cheapskates Club shared a wonderful stockpiling idea that I now implement in my home.  The idea is " Stockpiling for Summer "  and here's how it works -

Starting about August or September,  work out what grocery items you would need to buy over the Summer or Christmas holiday period.  Divide that list into the months you have left to buy before Summer / Christmas. 

Every time you go grocery shopping,  add those extra items to your  supermarket trolley. This is where your grocery slush fund comes in handy for the extra costs involved.  In August / September I start buying non perishables like toilet paper,  toiletries,  pasta,  sugar,  rice,  cat food and tinned items

During October and November, I stock up on cheese,  butter,  frozen veg,  flour,  breakfast cereal,  spreads,  sauces and anything else that's heavy. I freeze some of the butter as I don't have the fridge space.

When December hits,  I only need to top up on any items I've forgotten plus any foods needed to celebrate Christmas.

In Australia,  January,  February and part of March are well known for their heatwaves.  During this time,  I'm hoping the only grocery items I'll need to buy are milk,  fruit and veg on a weekly basis.  By stockpiling ahead of time I won't be battling the crowds or sweating it out pushing a heavy trolley through the shopping centre car park.

If you are in the northern hemisphere,  stockpiling ahead of time takes on a whole new meaning.  Floods,  snow storms and extreme weather conditions could make it impossible to leave the home.  By planning ahead and having a good stockpile,  your Winter could be easier to deal with.

At the moment,  all my cupboards,  pantry,  fridge and freezers are chock a block full.  It's such a good feeling to be ready for the holidays.

Do you stockpile for the holiday / Summer / Winter season ?

A monthly grocery shop
A full and organised pantry
Everything in it's place.


  1. Wendy, we are all stocked up for several months and yes, it does feel good. Here in the U.S. we are heading into winter, with some areas already being hit with massive rain/ice/snow storms. In the winter I try to hibernate as much as our schedule will allow and having a well-stocked pantry enables me to be able to do that.

  2. Great idea. I noticed in your photo's you have powdered dried eggs. I was given a packet of those but don't know how to use them. How do you use yours? thanks

    1. My daughter Megan had them left over from a school camp. We tried making scrambled eggs from the powder but didn't like it. I'm assuming you can use it in cakes, pancakes and other baking. We ended up tossing it out as there was only a little left.

  3. Another great post Wendy. Yes this is a great idea and have stockpiled up on a fair few things already and will finish this early next month. Just have to get some things for Christmas day ie: Ham etc...
    Thanks for such a great post,

  4. Wendy,
    I love my stockpile and can't fathom people who do not have one! I always plan for each season especially winter, but always have a variety in my pantry. In the summer my husband likes to eat a lot of taco salads and grilled cheese and tomato soup, so look for cheese deals, winter is chili so I have to have a lot of beans on hand or roasts. We also eat a lot of soups in the winter and I bake a lot so soup ingredients and baking supplies I stock up on when the best deals come along. It is like a game to keep that money in the pocket. I have about 900 rolls of tp in my attic from couponing and got it all free so I think I'm great in that department! I too like to stay holed up for the winter so the more there is in the pantry the less I have to go out in it and have my feet freeze! I love your neat and organized pantry!

    1. Vicky, I stockpile toilet paper too. At the moment I have about 200 rolls. If I had the money I'd have lots more. Unfortunately there are no coupons on grocery items in Australia.

      I love an organised pantry. It keeps me calm.

  5. Hubby asked me to buy more shaving cream for him...I went to my walk-in linen cupboard and 'bought' him one! He was impressed! I have 8 cans left that I bought for half price!

    1. Joolz, I remember you stocking up on the men's toiletries. Better to shop at home with half price specials than running up to the shops in a panic and paying full price.

  6. Your pantry looks very well stocked and organized. :) I tried to stock up on easy to prepare meals items like canned soups before I had my hysterectomy and stocked the freezer with made ahead meals. I did not want to go and battle the crowds or have to send hubby to the store to many times. It sure makes life easier.

  7. I have stockpiled for the summer months for a number of years. I live in a cyclone area and need to be able to be fully independent in the event of a cyclone coming through. We also have some heavy rain days where getting cut off can happen. It's always comforting to know that if we go on cyclone watch I don't have to join those panic buying people in the supermarkets. This reminds me that I need to check the batteries and make sure I have all the sizes required, with a few spares.

  8. Your pantry is so organized. I do like an organized house! I noticed you have powdered milk. Do you use it on a regular basis or just for emergencies? Do you like the taste? Do you use it in cooking?

    1. The powdered milk is there mostly for back up. It's also used to make hot choc drink mix, white sauce mix, choc custard mix and sweetened condensed milk as well as being used in baking and making the white sauce for lasagne. The Aldi powdered milk is mild in flavour although I don't drink it. My girls love it.

  9. I kind of stockpile. I don't have enough space to buy much more than I need per month or so, but I save all my loyalty points from FlyBuys, Frequent Flyers, Velocity etc and redeem them all around Christmas. That's like stockpiling cash, right? :D

    1. Stockpiling is stockpiling. I do use the linen cupboard and other kitchen cupboards to stockpile when tight for room. Excess paper products like paper towel, foil, cling wrap and toilet paper are kept in my garden shed,

  10. What a great post Wendy. Your pantry is a thing of! Yep, no matter where we live, a well stocked pantry is a godsend. Mimi xxx

  11. Great idea that I hope to start implementing AFTER Christmas! :-) What is a grocery slush fund?

    1. A grocery slush fund is the left over money you don't spend on groceries. For example if you allocate $300 for groceries for the month and only spend $270, then the $30 is put aside into the slush fund. This is then used to buy grocery specials that are too hard to resist ( 1/2 price etc ).

      Many people would just spend that left over $30 on something else.

  12. Hello Wendy , I read this post the other day and have only just had a chance to comment . I love stockpiling too. I like being able to go to my pantry or laundry cupboard or bathroom drawers ( for toiletries etc) and seeing a good supply of the products I use every day. I don't keep as much of a stockpile as I used to because their is just me now but as you say Wendy a stockpile is a stockpile. I buy 10 or more dove beauty bars at a time as they are $1 each at my local chemist and I like having plenty. I also stockpile tea bags when they are half price . Have my favourite products that I stockpile and I always look out for specials . Thank you Wendy for another great post. Love Barb.

  13. I absolutely stock up my pantry before winter and Christmas, because bad weather and big crowds make it unpleasant to spend much time in the store. Having the basics on hand is so much easier! I do keep an eye on the advertisements and hit the best sales, though.

  14. Hi Wendy, I have pantry envy! Been trying to organise it. Even got hubby to do it once ... still a mess. Have you seen many corner pantries? Would love organising ideas.


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